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1 Oct 2008, 2:59 pm
§856; Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, Part II, Ch. [read post]
27 Jan 2012, 1:38 pm
The Court held that the Rendine decision permitting attorney fee enhancements remains valid and has not been altered by the United States Supreme Court's decision in Perdue v. [read post]
20 Jan 2008, 3:00 pm
Piccadilly Cafeterias (07-312), and United States v. [read post]
7 Mar 2011, 5:26 pm by James Hamilton
In comments to the SEC, large global audit networks, including the Big Four, said that a new extraterritorial private action for cross-border securities fraud in connection with purchases and sales of securities outside the United States should not be created. [read post]
19 Jan 2015, 3:32 pm by William Baude
The United States has filed an amicus brief taking a middle position. [read post]
24 Jun 2016, 11:36 am by Zachary Price
The Supreme Court’s four-four affirmance in United States v. [read post]
26 Feb 2013, 1:19 pm by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Most recently, in 2004, the Supreme Court echoed this point by concluding, in United States v. [read post]
22 Apr 2021, 5:20 pm by Phil Dixon
State’s right of direct appeal from the grant of a motion for appropriate relief is limited to questions of law on newly discovered evidence claims or claims “inextricably intertwined” with such a claim; where the State failed to seek certiorari review following the trial court’s grant of a MAR on newly discovered evidence and an unrelated ineffective assistance of counsel claim, appellate court lacked jurisdiction to consider the… [read post]
26 Nov 2008, 4:37 am
From the opinion:On remand from the United States Supreme Court, Kennedy v. [read post]
22 Nov 2010, 11:02 am by Christa Culver
United StatesDocket: 10-18Issue(s): Whether, when a trial judge’s restriction on the cross-examination of a prosecution witness is challenged on appeal as a violation of the Confrontation Clause, the proper standard of review is de novo or abuse of discretion.Certiorari-Stage Documents:Opinion below (Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces)Petition for certiorariBrief in oppositionAmicus brief of the United States Army Defense Appellate DivisionAmicus brief of the… [read post]
23 Oct 2012, 1:54 am by Florian Mueller
It's simply a fact that patent offices the world over, and particularly in the United States, grant large numbers of patents that don't withstand serious scrutiny. [read post]
11 Oct 2022, 2:47 pm by Gregory Lars Gunnerson
On September 30, the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) new Patent Public Search tool (PPUBS) replaced four legacy tools—Public-Examiner’s Automated Search Tool (PubEAST), Public-Web-based Examiner’s Search Tool (PubWEST), Patent Full-Text and Image Database (PatFT), and Patent Application Full-Text and Image Database (AppFT). [read post]
15 May 2017, 8:00 am by The Public Employment Law Press
State, Inc. v State of New York, 2017 NY Slip Op 03588, Appellate Division, Third DepartmentCivil Service Law §64 bars temporary appointments to positions in the competitive class excess of three months, subject to certain exceptions, including, but not limited to, when an employee is on leave of absence from the position.The Police Benevolent Association of New York State, Inc. [read post]