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16 Oct 2013, 7:42 am
 Simon took a close look at the facts and legal issues pertaining to Karen Millen v Dunnes Stores, which the Irish Supreme Court has referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union. [read post]
22 Jan 2018, 11:34 am by Mark Walsh
(So, we are still awaiting an instance when the chief justice announces an opinion for an absent justice in which he is in the minority.) [read post]
13 Jul 2021, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
   Again, the word “alone” is not in the text, although some Justices still coin it (see Gorsuch, J. concurring in Arthrex). [read post]
31 May 2022, 7:23 am by Josh Blackman
["We think it’s clear that every member of the court on which we clerked joined an opinion — either majority or dissent — that agreed that the Constitution leaves elected officials an array of policy options when it comes to gun regulation"] District of Columbia v. [read post]
3 Nov 2023, 8:35 am by Ronald Mann
The lower courts rejected the government’s argument, but the justices have agreed to take a second look. [read post]
17 Mar 2024, 7:59 am by Jocelyn Bosse
The judgment of Justice Beach in Societe Civile et Agricole du Vieux Chateau Certan v Kreglinger (Australia) Pty Ltd [2024] FCA 248 found that there was no damage, and therefore passing off was not established. [read post]
13 Jul 2009, 11:19 pm
The safety net [that the court will intervene if there was injustice] still exists but it is now narrower and certainly cannot be relied on in advance. [read post]
20 Sep 2022, 7:56 am by Phil Dixon
Post-conviction non-profit lacked standing to assert First Amendment challenge to South Carolina’s law surrounding disclosure of execution protocols Justice 360 v. [read post]
31 Mar 2012, 1:48 pm by lawmrh
Weren't these the same Progressives who had run wailing into the cobble-stoned streets sans torches and pitchforks following this Court's rulings in Bush v. [read post]