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24 Jan 2011, 10:19 am
New York Daily News, City Takes Aim at Rich, Famous Like Alec Baldwin, Derek Jeter, Who May be Fibbing on Where They Live: Actor Alec Baldwin has joined a list of elite New Yorkers targeted by tax collectors who think they're fibbing about where they really live to dodge New... [read post]
11 Dec 2007, 11:28 am
Born in Massapequa, New York, Alec Baldwin is one of three Baldwin sons (Alec, Steve and Dan) who are in the movies--and in the news. [read post]
4 May 2012, 5:45 am
Secondary boycotts on ALEC supporters demonstrate a breakdown of civil society. [read post]
5 Apr 2012, 7:30 am
ALEC has been instrumental in pushing tough new state voter id laws. [read post]
14 Mar 2009, 8:07 pm
ALEC BALDWIN: Supply-Side Economist? [read post]
12 Apr 2019, 2:04 pm
One new member is Jonathon Hauenschild, director of ALEC's Task Force on Communications and Technology. [read post]
19 Jan 2023, 10:22 am
“We’re trying to definitely make it clear that everybody’s equal under the law, including A-list actors like Alec Baldwin.... [read post]
8 May 2012, 10:16 am
The ILB's most recent post on ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) was April 23rd. [read post]
4 May 2022, 10:48 am
Baldwin, "Thanks for the follow Alec. [read post]
13 Feb 2012, 8:03 am
There have been bits and starts to admitting to the country's ALEC addiction thanks to the work of the Center for Media and Democracy's ALEC Exposed project and coverage, and particularly ALEC's "tort reform" addiction. [read post]
13 Feb 2012, 8:03 am
There have been bits and starts to admitting to the country's ALEC addiction thanks to the work of the Center for Media and Democracy's ALEC Exposed project and coverage, and particularly ALEC's "tort reform" addiction. [read post]
11 Apr 2012, 12:00 pm
And on the related ALEC front, kudos to Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton for vetoing yet another ALEC bill (see our coverage of some of his other vetoes). [read post]
11 Apr 2012, 12:00 pm
And on the related ALEC front, kudos to Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton for vetoing yet another ALEC bill (see our coverage of some of his other vetoes). [read post]
10 Jan 2011, 3:57 pm
” And Thumbs Down For Alec Baldwin! [read post]
TAXES ARE FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE (CONT’D): New York City Charges Alec Baldwin With Evading Tax on Re…
25 Jan 2011, 5:16 am
TAXES ARE FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE (CONT’D): New York City Charges Alec Baldwin With Evading Tax on Residents. [read post]
10 May 2011, 7:20 am
Harvard gets Alec Baldwin. [read post]
24 May 2024, 6:11 pm
— A New Mexico judge has rejected a request by Alec Baldwin to dismiss the sole criminal charge against him in a fatal shooting on the set of “Rust,” keeping the case on track for a trial this summer. [read post]
20 Apr 2008, 3:09 am
Here's his reply:(Alec)" I think there's a culture shift that has to happen for lawyers and law firms to be great partners for entrepreneurs. [read post]
23 May 2012, 8:47 pm
NEW CIVILITY: Alec Baldwin mocks Andrew Breitbart’s death. “Though it’s foolish to expect civility from a man who offends the families of 9/11 victims and calls his own 11-year old daughter a ‘thoughtless pig,’ Alec’s comments show an unrepentant disrespect for the wife and children who survived Andrew Breitbart.” [read post]
17 Jul 2011, 7:33 am
This July 15th ILB entry ended:And here is the press release from Common Cause, headed "ALEC Bills Expose Corporate Drive... [read post]