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27 Oct 2010, 8:33 am by Paramjit L. Mahli
., I and Allison C Shields of Legal Ease Consulting  will  be co-presenting a CLE on "How Lawyers Can Overcome Analysis Paralysis to Reach Their Goals" at Hudson Valley Bank, 1 Grand Central Place (formerly the Lincoln Building) 60 East 42nd Street (Ground Floor Conference Center) in Manhattan. [read post]
25 Nov 2007, 6:48 am
Systems May Be The Key" at Allison Shields' Legal Ease Blog. [read post]
18 Dec 2024, 9:30 pm by ernst
Allison Powers, University of Wisconsin-Madison, has published Arbitrating Empire: United States Expansion and the Transformation of International Law (Oxford University Press):Arbitrating Empire offers a new history of the emergence of the United States as a global power-one shaped as much by attempts to insulate the US government from international legal scrutiny as it was by efforts to project influence across the globe. [read post]
23 Jan 2025, 3:49 pm by Jacob Katz Cogan
Allison Powers (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison - History) has published Arbitrating Empire: United States Expansion and the Transformation of International Law (Oxford Univ. [read post]
2 Nov 2006, 8:37 pm
  The author, Allison Shields, then takes a look at the rationale behind hourly fees which hasn't really been discussed in the posts I have read on this topic. [read post]
11 Oct 2019, 12:01 pm by Legal Talk Network
” Find Dennis’ free pdf here: 57 Tips for Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law.And keep an eye out for Dennis’ newest book, co-authored with Allison Shields: “Make LinkedIn Work for You: A Practical Handbook for Lawyers and Other Legal Professionals. [read post]
8 Jan 2008, 9:02 pm
  I also asked my friend and value billing 'guru' Allison Shields of LegalEase Consulting to answer Per's question. [read post]
15 Mar 2008, 6:47 pm
Allison DeFoor II forged a career that ultimately led him to minister to felons.BY AUDRA D.S. [read post]
14 May 2012, 5:58 pm by admin
Follow me – @denniskennedyThe new book Allison Shields and I have written called “LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers” is now available. [read post]
21 Feb 2013, 5:46 pm by admin
Follow me – @denniskennedyFacebook in One Hour for Lawyers, the new book from Allison Shields and me, is now available (iBook version here). [read post]
31 Aug 2016, 12:34 pm
They say that "the exception proves the rule," and I think that FoIB Allison Bell has found the exemplar:"Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa says it spent $18 million on medical bills for just one patient in 2015. [read post]
8 Oct 2015, 7:30 am
in 2006, we blogged about Minnesota Blue Cross/Shield's new, bleeding edge health care transparency program:"So, pick up a box of cereal, a package of pasta, or a can of peas, and you’ll find a handy little chart on the side. [read post]
3 Dec 2019, 4:00 am by Sharon D. Nelson and John W. Simek
It was written by our good friend Allison Shields and contains some fascinating (and worrisome) statistics. [read post]
17 Nov 2009, 9:01 pm
Source: "ABA National Solo and Small Firm Conference 2009 Recap - Persuasive Writing" by Allison Shields, published at her Legal Ease Blog. [read post]
17 Nov 2009, 9:01 pm by J. Benjamin Stevens
Source: "ABA National Solo and Small Firm Conference 2009 Recap - Persuasive Writing" by Allison Shields, published at her Legal Ease Blog. [read post]
21 Dec 2010, 9:12 am by Bruce Carton
A similar question is posed today at the Lawyerist blog, where Allison Shields asks, "If you are sending holiday cards to clients, colleagues and referral sources this year, what is your purpose for doing so? [read post]
21 Apr 2015, 2:47 pm by Hannah Kiddoo
“When you start arguing and getting defensive, you put a spotlight on that negative review,” said panelist Allison Shields, president of Legal Ease Consulting Inc. [read post]
14 Feb 2011, 7:16 am by Judd Kessler
In a recent blog post, Allison Shields, Esq., offers some tips on how to reduce client anxieties. [read post]