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27 Apr 2015, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
West, Freedom of the Church and Our Endangered Civil Rights: Exiting the Social Contract, (in The Rise of Corporate Religious Liberty, Zoe Robinson, Chad Flanders and Micah Schwartzman, eds., Oxford University Press, 2015, Forthcoming).Nicholas B. [read post]
14 Dec 2015, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
Sholk, A Guide To Election Year Activities of Section 501(c)(3) Organizations is now available.Recent Books:Micah Schwartzman, Chad Flanders, and Zoë Robinson (eds.) [read post]
26 May 2015, 4:15 am by Howard Friedman
Kouroutakis, Islamic Terrorism: The Legal Impact on the US and Europe, (Boston University International Law Journal, Vol. 34, 2016 Forthcoming).Elizabeth Sepper, Healthcare Exemptions and the Future of Corporate Religious Liberty, (The Rise of Corporate Religious Liberty (Oxford University Press, Chad Flanders, Zoe Robinson & Micah Schwartzman, eds. 2015, Forthcoming)).Elizabeth Deutsch, Expanding Conscience, Shrinking Care: The Crisis in Access to Reproductive Care and the… [read post]
19 Aug 2022, 3:42 am by Dan Filler
Applications (including a cover letter, CV, names of references, and information regarding teaching and scholarly interest(s)) should be submitted via email to Professor Chad Flanders or Professor Robert Gatter, Saint Louis University School of Law, 100 N. [read post]
1 Aug 2013, 12:06 pm by Josh Douglas
Panelists include some former Prawfs guests, including Mike Dimino (Widener), Chad Flanders (SLU), Derek Muller (Pepperdine), and Franita Tolson (FSU). [read post]
12 Aug 2011, 2:13 pm by Olivier Moréteau
John’s) Mohammad Fadel (Toronto) Marie Failinger (Hamline) Chad Flanders (St. [read post]
20 Nov 2006, 4:07 pm
Over at Yale's, my friend Chad Flanders (Yale 3L) has this post up on the precedential value of Bush v. [read post]
18 Aug 2011, 7:52 am by Lawrence Solum
John’s) Mohammad Fadel (Toronto) Marie Failinger (Hamline) Chad Flanders (St. [read post]
17 Aug 2011, 10:21 pm by uwlegalscholarship
John’s) Mohammad Fadel (Toronto) Marie Failinger (Hamline) Chad Flanders (St. [read post]
13 Aug 2011, 6:22 am by Lawrence Cunningham
John’s) Mohammad Fadel (Toronto) Marie Failinger (Hamline) Chad Flanders (St. [read post]
12 Aug 2011, 2:19 pm by Olivier Moréteau
John’s) Mohammad Fadel (Toronto) Marie Failinger (Hamline) Chad Flanders (St. [read post]
14 Mar 2014, 2:57 pm
 Corey Pickering was driving in the opposite direction, in the northbound lane, followed by a Subaru occupied by Tressa Flanders (Flanders), who was in the front passenger seat, Flanders' husband, who was driving, and their son (the victim) and two daughters, who were in the back seat. [read post]
28 May 2009, 10:56 pm
On the Bare Relevance of Subjectivity to Retributivism, co-written with Chad Flanders). [read post]
28 Feb 2011, 12:28 pm by Danielle Citron
His recent publications include: Beyond Experience: Getting Retributive Justice Right, 99 California Law Review (forthcoming 2011) (with Dan Markel and Chad Flanders). [read post]
4 May 2012, 8:06 am by Rick Hasen
2 Mar 2013, 4:57 pm by Andrew Koppelman
  The key is understanding the precise level of abstraction at which American law is neutral toward religion.The book’s introduction, in slightly modified form, has just appeared in the Pepperdine Law Review (with smart comments by Richard Garnett and Chad Flanders), and is available here. [read post]
12 Sep 2022, 4:30 am by Matthew Tokson
For another example, Chad Flanders has convincingly argued that curtilage at the founding did not refer to the land surrounding a house, but only the buildings on that land, which would place yards outside of the “persons, houses, papers, and effects” mentioned by the Amendment. [read post]
30 Jan 2012, 7:26 am by Danielle Citron
Beyond Experience: Getting Retributive Justice Right, 99 Calfiornia Law Review 101 (2011) (with Dan Markel and Chad Flanders). [read post]