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29 Oct 2023, 9:30 pm
--Dan Ernst [read post]
9 Mar 2023, 9:30 pm
--Dan Ernst [read post]
7 Jan 2010, 1:40 pm
Today’s contributions include Dan Crane (Michigan), Keith Hylton (BU), Bob Lande (Baltimore) and me. [read post]
5 Jul 2022, 2:47 pm
This conference featured the work of contributors to a new book on the subject edited by Professor Dan Crane. [read post]
13 Jul 2022, 9:36 am
This conference featured the work of contributors to a new book on the subject edited by Professor Dan Crane. [read post]
7 Jul 2022, 11:26 am
This conference featured the work of contributors to a new book on the subject edited by Professor Dan Crane. [read post]
24 Jul 2009, 9:50 am
Kobayashi and Ribstein on jurisdictional competition in LLCs Bainbridge on Shareholder Activism in the Obama Administration Co-blogger Thom Lambert’s review of Ribstein and O’Hara’s The Law Market Peter Leeson makes the case for bringing back the third cheer for capitalism Bill Page reviewing my own review (and Dan Crane’s) of Bob Pitofsky’s How the Chicago School Overshot the Mark: The Effect of Conservative Economic Analysis on… [read post]
6 Oct 2010, 4:56 pm
Today, Dan Clement comments on New York attorneys now being allowed to 'friend' an opposing party in a lawsuit in order scour their profile for incriminating evidence. [read post]
29 Mar 2009, 9:40 pm
The lineup includes: Dan Crane (University of Chicago/ Cardozo), Geoff Manne (TOTM/LECG), Phil Weiser (Colorado), Dennis Crouch (Patently-O/Missouri), Brett Frischmann (Cornell/ Loyola), F. [read post]
25 Jun 2010, 6:23 am
Supreme Court Affirms Arbitration Provisions in Employment Disputes; What It Means for Employers – from Dan Schwartz’s Connecticut Employment Law Blog The Potential Impact of Today’s Supreme Court's 5-4 Decision on Arbitrability – from Michael Fox’s Jottings By An Employer’s Lawyer SCOTUS Addresses Arbitrability Determination – from Philip Miles’s Lawffice Space New SCOTUS Arbitration Opinion: Both Boring… [read post]
14 Jun 2010, 9:01 am
The volume includes entries from, among others, Dan Crane, Bill Page, Jonathan Baker, Keith Hylton, and Bruce Kobayashi. [read post]
30 Mar 2009, 7:57 pm
I’ve provided links to Monday’s posts on the book related to antitrust issues: Dan Crane Phil Weiser Geoff Manne Josh Wright The comments to those posts are still live. [read post]
2 Feb 2009, 10:55 pm
Relatedly, here is the Global Competition Policy online magazine issue devoted to Antitrust in Times of Crisis, which includes this excellent historical perspective on antitrust enforcement during crises from Dan Crane. [read post]
27 Apr 2009, 10:39 pm
Here is a list of participants:Alden Abbott, FTC Tim Brennan, University of Maryland Dan Crane, Cardozo/Michigan Law David Evans, LECG/UCL/Chicago Law Herbert Hovenkamp, Iowa Law Keith Hylton, BU Law Bruce Kobayashi, George Mason Law William Kolasky, WilmerHale/former DAAG Thom Lambert, Missouri Law/Truth on the Market Tad Lipsky, Latham & Watkins/former DAAG Geoffrey Manne, LECG/Lewis & Clark Law/Truth on the Market Howard Marvel, Ohio State Bill Page, … [read post]
12 Oct 2009, 4:48 am
Dan Crane, Michigan 83620. [read post]
19 Oct 2009, 9:16 pm
Confirmed participants thus far (with more to come) include: Dennis Carlton (Chicago GSB) Dan Crane (Michigan Law) Herbert Hovenkamp (Iowa) Einer Elhauge (Harvard) Luke Froeb (Vanderbilt) Andrew Gavil (Howard) Thom Lambert (Missouri) Geoff Manne (LECG) Steve Salop (Georgetown) Joseph Simons (Paul Weiss) Danny Sokol (Florida) Josh Wright (George Mason) Paul Yde (Freshfields) [read post]
7 May 2012, 8:42 pm
The program will feature a roundtable panel involving leading scholars who have addressed these issues: Dan Crane (Michigan), Marina Lao (Seton Hall), Frank Pasquale (Seton Hall), and Pam Samuelson (Berkeley). [read post]
22 Jan 2025, 12:20 pm
Michigan Law’s cohort of administrative law and legislation and regulation scholars will also participate in the discussions, including Sam Bagenstos, Nick Bagley, Dan Crane, Dan Deacon, Alex Klass, Nina Mendelson, Bill Novak, Julian Mortenson, Rachel Rothschild, Margo Schlanger, and Chris Walker. [read post]
15 Oct 2009, 9:15 am
Confirmed participants thus far (with a number of pending invites) include: Dennis Carlton (Chicago GSB) Dan Crane (Michigan Law) Herbert Hovenkamp (Iowa) Einer Elhauge (Harvard) Luke Froeb (Vanderbilt) Andrew Gavil (Howard) Thom Lambert (Missouri) Geoff Manne (LECG) Steve Salop (Georgetown) Joseph Simons (Paul Weiss) Danny Sokol (Florida) Josh Wright (George Mason) Paul Yde (Freshfields) [read post]
28 Apr 2009, 2:14 pm
The participants are: Alden Abbott, FTC; Tim Brennan, University of Maryland; Dan Crane, Cardozo/Michigan Law; David Evans, LECG/UCL/Chicago Law; Herbert Hovenkamp, Iowa Law; Keith Hylton, BU Law; Bruce Kobayashi, George Mason Law; William Kolasky, WilmerHale/former DAAG; Thom Lambert, Missouri Law/Truth on the Market; Tad Lipsky, Latham & Watkins/former DAAG; Geoffrey Manne, LECG/Lewis & Clark Law/Truth on the Market; Howard Marvel, Ohio State; Bill Page, Florida… [read post]