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7 Feb 2011, 6:09 pm
Click here for video of the recent Duke Law School conference on the Durham Statement and open access to legal scholarship. [read post]
25 Jan 2023, 8:55 am
Mila Sohoni (University of San Diego School of Law) has posted The Puzzle of Procedural Originalism (72 Duke Law Journal (forthcoming 2023)) on SSRN. [read post]
6 Jun 2018, 8:09 am
Here is the abstract: This essay, written for the Duke Journal of Constitutional Law... [read post]
6 Aug 2020, 12:59 am
The Case Against Chevron Deference in Immigration Adjudication by Shoba Sivaprasad Wadia & Christopher Jay Walker, Christopher Jay, Duke Law Journal, Vol. 70, 2021 Forthcoming Abstract The Duke Law Journal’s fifty-first annual administrative law symposium examines the future of Chevron... [read post]
9 Apr 2009, 11:45 am
.), 58 Duke Law Journal 1477 (2009). [read post]
6 Mar 2012, 4:32 am
Purdy (Duke University - School of Law) has posted Our Place in the World: A New Relationship for Environmental Ethics and Law (Duke Law Journal, Forthcoming). [read post]
28 Oct 2012, 11:00 am
Since 1998, Duke's student-edited journals have been freely accessible on the Duke Law website. [read post]
9 Oct 2018, 10:05 pm
He has published articles in Constitutional Commentary, The Michigan Law Review, The Michigan Journal of Race and Law, The Georgetown Law Journal, The Journal of Politics, The California Law Review, The North Carolina Law Review, and others. [read post]
23 Nov 2024, 4:48 pm
The latest issue of the Asian Journal of International Law (Vol. 14, no. 2, July 2024) is out. [read post]
13 Aug 2010, 10:06 am
The latest issue of the Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law (Vol. 20, no. 3, Spring 2010) contains a symposium on "War Bound by Law: Non-State Actors and the Law of Armed Conflict in the Twenty-First Century. [read post]
6 Oct 2007, 6:00 am
According to the Wall Street Journal Law Blog, they have hired Barry Scheck, Brendan Sullivan and Richard Emery. [read post]
17 Nov 2008, 5:00 am
According to the Wall Street Journal Law Blog, they have hired Barry Scheck, Brendan Sullivan and Richard Emery. [read post]
29 Apr 2018, 6:37 am
As the debate about the value of law review articles continues on this blog, on Twitter, and in other reaches of social media opinion-sphere, I wanted to draw attention to Barry Friedman’s new article Fixing Law Reviews that was just published in the Duke Law Journal (April 2018). [read post]
23 Jun 2008, 6:00 am
Circuit Court agreed, according to the Louisville Courier-Journal. [read post]
23 Jun 2008, 1:00 pm
Circuit Court agreed, according to the Louisville Courier-Journal. [read post]
14 Feb 2017, 5:08 am
Judicature @ Duke (@DukeJudicature) is a scholarly journal for judges published quarterly by the Duke Law Center for Judicial Studies (@DukeLaw). [read post]
4 Oct 2010, 6:20 am
Now in print in the latest issue of the Duke Law Journal is an article by Professor Arthur Miller (NYU) entitled From Conley to Twombly to Iqbal: A Double Play on the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 60 Duke L.J.... [read post]
9 Feb 2020, 10:05 am
The editors in chief collaborated for the first time to publish a Women & Law journal with a series of essays from prominent female lawyers…” [read post]
15 Apr 2010, 9:42 am
Mitu Gulati and Jack Knight (Duke University - School of Law and Duke University) have posted Talking Judges (Duke Law Journal, Forthcoming) on SSRN. [read post]
20 Jun 2023, 7:56 am
Gershowitz, and Jennifer Teitcher (Duke University School of Law, William & Mary Law School and Duke University School of Law) have posted The Brady Database (Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Forthcoming) on SSRN. [read post]