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16 Jan 2007, 12:17 am
. LAW / CORRECTNSS690 FLANAGAN -- Makes certain technical amendments to provisions of law requiring employers to check the sex offender registry prior to filling certain employment positionsSUMM : Amd SS1392-a, 1394-a & 1394-b, Pub Health L Makes certain technical amendments to provisions of law requiring employers to check the sex offender registry prior to filling certain employment positions. 01/08/07 REFERRED TO HEALTH LAW / CORRECTNSS693 FLANAGAN --… [read post]
6 Mar 2007, 12:36 am
OMRDD worker registry Last Act: 02/26/07 referred to mental health LAW / CORRECTNSA5911 Tedisco (MS) -- Requires department of motor vehicles to provide police officers with information on level 3 sex offenders based on license or registration inquiry BLURB : V & T L. level 3 sex offenders Last Act: 02/26/07 referred to transportation LAW / CORRECTNSA5944 McDonough (MS) -- Requires school bus stops not to be located near the residences of sex offenders BLURB : Ed L.… [read post]
7 Feb 2016, 4:04 pm by INFORRM
Northern Ireland In the case of Elliott v Flanagan [2016] NIQB 8, Stephens J awarded the claimant, Thomas Elliott MP, damages of £48,750 again MLA Phil Flanagan. [read post]
26 Apr 2012, 4:38 am by Eric Turkewitz
Justice Pines out in Suffolk County wrote about this issue a month ago in Kelly, Grossman & Flanagan v. [read post]
31 May 2010, 5:30 am by Karel.Frielink
A cartoon has been drawn by Mike Flanagan for the 5th anniversary of the launch of Karel’s Legal Blog June 1st, 2010 marks the 5th anniversary of my legal blog. [read post]
7 May 2007, 2:22 am
First Act: 04/25/07 REFERRED TO CODES Last Act: 04/25/07 REFERRED TO CODES S5457 THOMPSON -- Relates to the penalty for violating certain provisions requiring a stop at a railroad crossing Same as A 6300 BLURB : V & T L. penalty rr crossing First Act: 04/25/07 REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION Last Act: 04/25/07 REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION S5458 THOMPSON -- Makes causing physical injury to a… [read post]
9 Dec 2010, 8:13 am by Steve Hall
  The webpage is titled, "CDCR's December 8, 2010 Response to ACLU Public Records Act Request: ACLU v. [read post]