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5 Oct 2023, 4:28 am by JURIST Staff
We must also emphasize that the Peruvian State has the obligation to guarantee, with immediate effect, the right to health for all Peruvians. [read post]
14 Oct 2024, 7:13 pm
Comparing Cuba’s National Assembly Elections in 2018 and 2023” Larry Catá Backer, Penn State University, “Cuba—The Construction of a State of Misery” Enrique S. [read post]
28 Oct 2013, 8:12 pm by Douglas
Com o fim da Segunda Grande Guerra, expande-se o Estado de Bem-Estar Social na Europa e owelfare state nos EUA, que tinham por objetivo fundamental, dentre outros na área econômica, a diminuição da desigualdade social e da precária condição de vida dos pobres por meio de programas assistencialistas executados pelos agentes da mão esquerda do Estado[1]. [read post]
28 Oct 2013, 8:12 pm by Douglas
Com o fim da Segunda Grande Guerra, expande-se o Estado de Bem-Estar Social na Europa e owelfare state nos EUA, que tinham por objetivo fundamental, dentre outros na área econômica, a diminuição da desigualdade social e da precária condição de vida dos pobres por meio de programas assistencialistas executados pelos agentes da mão esquerda do Estado[1]. [read post]
29 Apr 2024, 8:09 am
Far more interesting has been the effects within the domains of Latin American politics, especially among the CELAC states (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) including Cuba--the competitor organization to the OAS (Organization of American States) including the United States. [read post]
30 Apr 2021, 6:45 pm
  This post includes that intiial address in the original Spanish with a crude English translation, along with brief reflections on the state of Caribbean Marxism (considered in more detail here) in Cuba and its potential future course. [read post]
WOOD, JR.; from Collin County;5th district (05-08-00915-CV, ___ SW3d ___, 05-21-09)(breach of promissory note, personal guaranty, findinds of fact and conclusions of law).09-0674JOHN CLYDE GUERRA v. [read post]
17 Jun 2017, 7:47 am
  That state of affairs is a pity but suggests the Gordian knot both states have now worked furiously to create and preserve remains undisturbed. [read post]
22 Feb 2019, 4:02 pm by INFORRM
The fruition of that absorption of DP law into Article 8 is apparent in the recent decision of Catt v. [read post]
1 Sep 2023, 4:00 am by Jim Sedor
The justices faced heightened security risks, Thomas noted, after the leak of the court’s majority opinion to overturn Roe v. [read post]
7 Mar 2016, 1:24 pm
Levando em conta vários estudos é possível começar a perceber como os períodos de guerra e repressão são sempre antecedidos por períodos de enfraquecimento da cultura gilânica. [read post]
27 Mar 2017, 10:18 pm
These Conferences brought together large numbers of Chicano youth from throughout the United States and provided them with opportunities to express their views on self-determination. [read post]
27 Mar 2017, 3:21 pm
These Conferences brought together large numbers of Chicano youth from throughout the United States and provided them with opportunities to express their views on self-determination. [read post]