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15 Mar 2022, 9:57 am by Eugene Volokh
According to prosecutor Binger, even if "Joseph Rosenbaum [was] chasing after the defendant because he wants to do some physical harm to him … you don't bring a gun to a fist fight. [read post]
9 Jul 2019, 7:48 am by Steve Lubet
I am among the signatories to the following letter, circulated by Fix the Court, endorsing the idea of a constitutional amendment to end life tenure for Supreme Court justices. [read post]
3 Dec 2009, 11:10 am
Recent LexBlog Q & A posts: Dave Rein of Owners, Borrowers & Thieves 2.0 [12.1.09] Joseph Rosenbaum of Legal Bytes [11.19.09] Patrick Smith of Iowa Employment Law Blog [11.10.09] Michelle May O'Neil of Dallas Divorce Law Blog [11.3.09] Or, see our full list of legal blog interviews. [read post]
Sklansky:  The acquittals end the criminal case against Rittenhouse, but the families of the two men Rittenhouse killed—Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber—can file civil suits, seeking damages for wrongful death. [read post]
21 Nov 2021, 9:01 pm by Austin Sarat
Even before the Kenosha, Wisconsin, jury acquitted him on all counts (intentional and reckless homicide, and attempted murder) for killing Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and for wounding Gaige Grosskreutz, numerous commentators had predicted that he would be found not guilty. [read post]
15 Aug 2012, 7:49 am by Rob Robinson
PIN Text Messages Authenticated for Rule 104(a) by Affidavit from Service Provider – (Gregory Joseph) Devilish Problem | Millnet - (Charles Holloway) eDiscovery Best Practices: Assessing Your Data Before Meet and Confer Shouldn’t Be Expensive – (Doug Austin) eDiscovery Case Law: Major Bank and Law Firm Sanctioned for Pattern of Discovery Abuses - (Doug… [read post]
15 Aug 2012, 7:49 am by Rob Robinson
PIN Text Messages Authenticated for Rule 104(a) by Affidavit from Service Provider – (Gregory Joseph) Devilish Problem | Millnet - (Charles Holloway) eDiscovery Best Practices: Assessing Your Data Before Meet and Confer Shouldn’t Be Expensive – (Doug Austin) eDiscovery Case Law: Major Bank and Law Firm Sanctioned for Pattern of Discovery Abuses - (Doug… [read post]
15 Aug 2012, 7:49 am by Rob Robinson
PIN Text Messages Authenticated for Rule 104(a) by Affidavit from Service Provider – (Gregory Joseph) Devilish Problem | Millnet - (Charles Holloway) eDiscovery Best Practices: Assessing Your Data Before Meet and Confer Shouldn’t Be Expensive – (Doug Austin) eDiscovery Case Law: Major Bank and Law Firm Sanctioned for Pattern of Discovery Abuses - (Doug… [read post]
15 Aug 2012, 7:49 am by Rob Robinson
PIN Text Messages Authenticated for Rule 104(a) by Affidavit from Service Provider – (Gregory Joseph) Devilish Problem | Millnet - (Charles Holloway) eDiscovery Best Practices: Assessing Your Data Before Meet and Confer Shouldn’t Be Expensive – (Doug Austin) eDiscovery Case Law: Major Bank and Law Firm Sanctioned for Pattern of Discovery Abuses - (Doug… [read post]
21 Dec 2009, 3:06 am
Gerrard (Columbia), Maxine I. [read post]