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26 Aug 2024, 1:22 pm
The honored attorneys include Chris Searcy, Jack Scarola, Greg Barnhart, Ted Babbitt, Sia Baker-Barnes, Hardee Bass, Laurie Briggs, Brian Denney, Brenda Fulmer, Mariano Garcia, James Gustafson, Jack Hill, Joe Johnson, Cameron Kennedy, Andrea Lewis, Edward Ricci, Matt Schwencke, Carter Scott, Chris Speed, Karen Terry, DJ Ward, Cal Warriner, Katie Kiziah, and Lindsay Reinhart. [read post]
29 Jan 2011, 7:59 am
Karen Hibben-Levi (IA) – Karen was sickened in 2006 after eating E. coli O157:H7-contaminated lettuce grown in California. [read post]
26 Jul 2008, 4:58 pm
Lodde, OT Level I Atlanta, GA Terrie L. [read post]
21 Dec 2010, 1:54 pm
And Terry Goddard felt like he had been deceived. [read post]
13 Dec 2006, 7:17 pm
Chatlos, Robert Chew, Eby Chibueze, Katie Childe, Kristen Chipley, Ho Cho, Tae Chong, Alonso A Choza, Cody Christman, Shelli Christy, Abby Chumley, Jason Ciano, Leigh Clancy, Terry Clancy, Andrew E. [read post]
4 Jan 2016, 1:47 pm
Terri Schiavo; Karen Quinlan? [read post]
22 Oct 2012, 7:57 am
Former immigration agency spokesperson, Karen Kraushaar, had it right when she said: "Immigration law is a mystery and a mastery of obfuscation, and the lawyers who can figure it out are worth their weight in gold. [read post]
8 Sep 2022, 11:30 pm
Race, Religion, and Spiritual Considerations in Aid in Dying - Presenter/Moderator: Terri Laws, PhD, Associate Professor of African and African American Studies, Race and Health, University of Michigan—Dearborn Panel: Tracey Bush, MSW, LCSW, Regional Practice Leader, End of Life Option Act Program, Kaiser Permanente, Southern California; Additional Panel Member(s) To be announced10:00 to 10:55: Capacity and Judgment Evaluations for Patients… [read post]
30 Jan 2017, 4:44 pm
Terri Schiavo; Karen Quinlan? [read post]
10 Jan 2013, 6:15 pm
The Investigator, Terry Lenzner 43. [read post]
31 Jul 2018, 5:56 am
“To tie someone to a chair with duct tape is the most abusive thing I’ve heard since doing this in my practice,” Karen Terry, a lawyer at Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley who specializes in cases of nursing-home abuse, said in an interview. [read post]
26 Sep 2013, 6:29 am
Attorneys Chris Searcy, Karen Terry and Matthew Schwencke felt it was critically important to obtain the cell phone records of all defendants in the case because it became clearer they would better illustrate Joseph’s tragic story of medical delay. [read post]
21 Nov 2008, 7:00 am
"County Attorney Karen Lee urged that the county differentiate between levels of sex offenders. [read post]
4 Jun 2007, 12:14 am
Acting outside the law, he did not insist upon or follow the sorts of guidelines that one would want to ensure that a patient's choice was truly voluntary and considered.Kevorkian's precise impact on the legal debate is difficult to know, but I'm tempted to think he did more harm than good---much as the religious conservatives who sought to keep Terri Schiavo connected to a feeding tube after a judge determined that this was contrary to her wishes when competent likely… [read post]
2 Oct 2011, 2:03 am
., University of Oregon School of Law.Holtzman, Terry E.: Appointed to TTAB in 1999; Prior Professional Experience: Trademark Examining Attorney; TTAB Interlocutory Attorney; Education: B.A. with honors, American University; J.D., George Mason University.Kuczma, Linda A.: Appointed to TTAB in 2011; Prior Professional Experience: Banner & Witcoff (Chicago, Ill.): Education: B.S., St. [read post]
9 Feb 2012, 6:45 am
In the Christian Science Monitor, Terry Hartle reviews James F. [read post]
14 Apr 2011, 11:37 am
(Remember: all of the seminal “withdrawal of care” cases involved young women: Karen Ann Quinlan, Nancy Cruzan, and Terri Schiavo were all under 35 when they suffered their respective traumas.) [read post]
31 Jul 2018, 5:56 am
“To tie someone to a chair with duct tape is the most abusive thing I’ve heard since doing this in my practice,” Karen Terry, a lawyer at Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley who specializes in cases of nursing-home abuse, said in an interview. [read post]
14 Oct 2015, 4:21 pm
The bill has received some, albeit limited, cross-bench support from Government MPs including Karen McNamara MP. [read post]
7 Nov 2012, 7:00 am
A fifth Republican incumbent, Karen Angelini, won reelection with 51.8% of the vote. [read post]