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23 Sep 2014, 11:13 am
Please contact Arnold & Smith, PLLC today at (855) 370-2828 or find additional resources here. [read post]
10 Jan 2012, 12:42 pm
The Smith v. [read post]
17 May 2012, 3:06 pm
Board of Education, why race still matters and is interested in what emerging social science can contribute to the discussion. [read post]
18 Oct 2007, 4:26 am
Peter Smith of the George Washington University Law School has posted an article entitled "Jurisdiction and Textualism" on SSRN. [read post]
13 Mar 2009, 7:55 pm
Because of the earlier Texas proceedings, Pierce Marshall challenged the rulings of the California federal courts, claiming they lacked jurisdiction to decide the case because it was a "probate" matter. [read post]
3 Oct 2010, 7:00 pm
To simplify a very technical matter, the Supreme Court will help decide whether the California district court judge who ruled in Smith's favor, after a Texas probate court already ruled against her, had proper legal authority to do so. [read post]
18 Sep 2024, 9:30 pm
We accept papers of at least 7,500 and not more than 15,000 words, including notes and otherexplanatory matter. [read post]
22 Jun 2020, 2:24 pm
Herbert Smith Freehills is advising the Financial Conduct Authority after the watchdog said that it would seek a High Court review of policies after a large number of claims were rejected during the Covid-19 lockdown. [read post]
27 Mar 2017, 3:46 am
While it may be understandable that blue lies matter, they matter to everyone, not just Trump supporters. [read post]
18 Mar 2019, 5:39 am
On this episode of LawNext, Smith sits down in his Provo, Utah, office with me for a conversation about what it means for a law school to innovate and why it matters to the students, the school and the community at large. [read post]
7 Apr 2012, 9:39 am
Jerry Smith, 5th Cir.) [read post]
13 Jul 2011, 10:16 am
We need someone else to head the Judiciary Committee that deals with Immigration matters in the House of Representatives. [read post]
27 Nov 2018, 6:59 am
Should the facts of this matter reveal that the gas station owner or management failed to provide adequate security, the family of Traveon Quandarius Smith may seek justice and elect to pursue legal claims for their loss. [read post]
30 Sep 2023, 10:45 am
Smith was tried on various drug charges. [read post]
23 Aug 2016, 10:34 am
Smith thenstated in an isolated sentence that “if this Court is inclinedto reverse the district court’s entry of judgment, italso should reverse the district court’s claim constructionorder and hold that the phrase ‘shift to,’ as used in claim5, must be given its common and ordinary meaning in anyretrial of this matter. [read post]
21 Jul 2011, 10:47 pm
It is a petty squabble, masquerading as a civil rights matter, that has no place in federal court or any other court. [read post]
27 Apr 2012, 2:36 pm
Smith needed to take a few of Grandma’s pills before being deposed. [read post]
8 Apr 2016, 11:32 am
What mattered about Tom was not what he said, but what he did, and all he did — almost literally — was nurture horses. [read post]
21 Dec 2023, 9:59 am
The fact of the matter is that everything Jack Smith has done as Special Counsel, since his appointment on November 18, 2022 has been unconstitutional and is null and void. [read post]
10 Jun 2010, 4:01 pm
After the 9/11 Commission, Sam joined the Gerson Lehrman Group ("GLG"), which manages a network of 250,000 subject matter experts. [read post]