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15 Mar 2022, 7:32 pm by Bridget Crawford
   She has also mentored many law students as judge's clerks, including final year law students from the USA. [read post]
25 Oct 2020, 5:46 pm by INFORRM
United States USA today had a piece “Rudy Giuliani’s ‘Borat 2’ scene: What can he do about it legally? [read post]
14 Jan 2008, 7:03 am
Attorney's Office this morning, says this breaking story by Patsy Brumfield and Errol Castens in the Daily Journal.UPDATE: I've had a chance to pull all the current entries on the docket in USA v. [read post]
28 Dec 2015, 2:51 am by Ben
Also in the USA, Andrus Nomm, a 36 year old Estonian who lives in the Netherlands, and one of a small group of ex MegaUpload staffers who are facing extradition to the US for involvement in the running of the controversial file-transfer company, pleaded guilty to criminal copyright infringement charges was been sentenced to a year and a day in a US prison. [read post]
6 Aug 2014, 6:04 am by José Guillermo
Resulta que las AFP y compañías de seguro, que son en el fondo cinco empresas, se llevan tanto dinero como el millón de afiliados que hoy cobran pensiones” [read post]
24 Sep 2023, 9:01 pm by renholding
  Recently, plans to build a corn milling plant in North Dakota have caused states governments to consider their role in protecting both state and national security. [read post]
28 Jun 2021, 10:16 am by Cyberleagle
(Mills v Stanway Coaches Ltd [1940] 2 K.B. 334) Such legally fictional characters are normally deployed as part of a process of determining liability after the event, based on ascertained facts involving known individuals, tested and argued through the adversarial court process. [read post]
9 Aug 2010, 10:33 am
Mills ruled that NYCTA had not established that it was "engaged in the trade or business of renting or leasing motor vehicles": At issue here, however, is 49 USC § 30106. [read post]
9 Sep 2011, 10:51 am by Schachtman
(June 14, 1991) (presented by plaintiffs’ counsel Jim Pettit, of Greitzer & Locks), in Radcliff v. [read post]