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24 Dec 2017, 6:12 am
Aldi Süd's Champagner SorbetIn a judgment released earlier this week (Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne v Aldi Süd Dienstleistungs-GmbH & Co.OHG, C-393/16) the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) reviewed relevant EU legislation on protected designations of origin (PDOs) in deciding a case concerning a sorbet branded and sold as ’Champagner Sorbet’.Katfriend Nedim Malovic (Sandart & Partners) reports.Here’s what… [read post]
6 Feb 2019, 6:12 am
 Trade marksGuestKat Nedim Malovic reported on the EUIPO Board of Appeal decision to allow registration of the Barcadi bottle as an EU trade mark, under  Class 33 (Alcoholic beverages except beers) of the Nice Classification: EUIPO Fourth Board of Appeal allows registration of Bacardi bottle as an EUTM. [read post]
19 Dec 2018, 9:49 am
PatentsKat Neil reflects on the lexical transformation of the “troll” from stock character in Scandinavian mythology (and plastic dolls with bright colored up-combed hair...) into a staple of contemporary IP discourse, not once but twice: The IP term (thus far) of the millennium: the curious story of the adoption of "patent troll" and "internet trolling"Kat Troll DollIPKat provided further depth commentary on Warner-Lambert v Actavis, delving into the detail on… [read post]
24 Feb 2017, 5:50 am
Yes, this is indeed what the Swedish Patent and Market Court of Appeal has ordered a major Swedish access provider to do in a recent decision.Katfriend Nedim Malovic (Sandart & Partners) explains how things went.Here’s what Nedim writes:“In a 2016 judgment [commented on IPKat here] the Stockholm District Court (Patent- och Marknadsdomstolen) rejected an application to issue an injunction against a major Swedish internet access… [read post]
22 Mar 2015, 10:12 am
 This is indeed what happened earlier this week during an episode of The X Factor - New Zealand edition, as Katfriend and IP lover Nedim Malovic (University of Southampton) promptly told this Kat (Katpat to Nedim!). [read post]
29 Jun 2017, 7:15 am
The response of the Canadian Supreme Court has been in the affirmative, as Katfriend Nedim Malovic (Sandart&Partners) explains.Here's what Nedim writes:"The case stemmed from an action originally brought by Equustek Solutions (Equustek), a small technology company in British Columbia that manufactures network devices. [read post]
31 Oct 2018, 2:23 pm
Patentable foods: The "Impossible" and the eggless.CopyrightGuestKat Nedim Malovic provides his insights about a decision of the Board of the Swedish Advertising Ombudsman, according to which a well-known Distracted Boyfriendmeme used for advertisement could be considered sexually discriminatory and should consequently be banned: Advertisement distributed by Swedish ISP held to be sexually discriminatory.Can copyright vest in mascots and characters? [read post]
10 Dec 2019, 12:20 am
EUIPO (C-702/18), where he suggested that the possibility of submitting new arguments and evidence before the General Court in trade mark opposition proceedings could be broadened.Katfriend Deborah Vincze provides a summary of the final implementation in France of Directive 2015/2436 on trade marks.GuestKat Nedim Malovic examines a recent decision of the Fourth Board of Appeal,  which found likelihood of confusion between two figurative marks… [read post]
16 Sep 2019, 11:57 pm
This is foreshadowed in the recent Board of Appeal decision, T0688/16, where an inappropriate use of discretion leads to ping-pong.Communication to the public -GuestKat Nedim Malovic examines a referral made by the Swedish Patents and Market Court of Appeal to the CJEU, asking whether the concept of “public”  (which is not expressly defined in the legislation) under Articles 3 and 4 of the InfoSoc Directive has a uniform meaning,… [read post]
30 Nov 2015, 3:34 am
This is apparently what is going to happen soon, as IP enthusiast Nedim Malovic (Stockholm University) explains.* Some end-of-year reading ...In case you were wondering what to do with your precious leisure time over the end-of-year period when things get a bit quiet, Jeremy has some recent intellectual property publications that might take your fancy, the latter being US Patent Law for European Patent Professionals, by Audrey Nemeth; IP and Other… [read post]
29 Dec 2017, 1:00 pm
 CJEU rules that ice cream sold as ‘Champagner Sorbet’ can be branded as ‘Champagne’Katfriend Nedim Malovic (Sandart & Partners) reports on a judgement released earlier this week (Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne v Aldi Süd Dienstleistungs-GmbH & Co.OHG, C-393/16) where the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) reviewed relevant EU legislation on protected designations of origin (PDOs),… [read post]
4 Jun 2018, 3:02 am
 GuestKat Nedim Malovic reports on the development in Sweden that internet service provider (ISP) Telenor, which has long fought against site-blocking in Sweden, will voluntarily begin blocking The Pirate Bay. [read post]
7 Sep 2015, 1:02 pm
This is why it is particularly grateful and truly delighted to host the following analysis by music and IP enthusiast Nedim Malovic (Stockholm University), who takes a look over the decision and offers this insightful analysis.* Apple’s European slide-to-unlock patent declared invalid in GermanyThe fate of the slide-to-unlock technique has been the subject of a much-litigated Apple's patent. [read post]
30 Nov 2016, 2:42 am
Now, Katfriends Nedim Malovic and Patricia Haddad (Sandart & Partners, Stockholm) also took a look at the decision and shared their opinions with Eleonora. [read post]
27 Feb 2017, 1:22 pm
It will discuss Article 11 (press publisher’s right) and Article 13 (so-called “value gap”) contained in the Proposal for a Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market.ARGOS - trade marks, domains, and google advertisingGuest Kat Rosie Burbidge recaps the Argos Ltd v Argos Systems Inc case, [2017] EWHC 231 (Ch), which involves whether the use of the sign as a domain name and AdWords (within the Google advertising program) constitutes trademark infringement and passing… [read post]
26 Feb 2019, 1:20 pm
This was followed up by Katfriend Charlotte Waelde who explored whether the Fortnite dances could be a quotation, or fall within any other copyright exceptions.Fortnite expert KatGuestKat Nedim Malovic discussed the EUIPO’s rejection of the trade mark CHEESE for cannabis. [read post]
30 May 2017, 10:33 pm
On more romantic news, KatFriend Nedim Malovic tells the tale of Shinder, a dating app where the only available match is Shed Simove, the founder of the app himself, and Tinder, who needs no introduction. [read post]
15 Jan 2020, 11:17 am
Nedim Malovic reviewed the book 'Law of Remedies - A European Perspective' (edited by Franz Hofmann and Franziska Kurz). [read post]
17 Nov 2016, 3:29 am
As reported and discussed on this blog, last month a Swedish court was likely the first in Europe to apply the principles that the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) set in its landmark decision in GS Media, C-160/15 [discussed here, here, here, here].Katfriends Nedim Malovic and Patricia Haddad (Sandart & Partners, Stockholm) have also taken a look at the decision.Here's what they write:"On 13… [read post]
24 Oct 2017, 8:33 am
.'TOBBIA' EU trade mark declared invalid for conflict with 'PEPPA PIG' EU trade markKatfriend Nedim Malovic (Sandart&Partners) takes us through the decision of the EUIPO First Board of Appeal (R1776/2016-1) relating to the PEPPER PIG and TOBBIA marks. [read post]