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13 Jun 2011, 4:41 pm by Colin O'Keefe
- New Jersey attorney Deirdre Wheatley-Liss of Fein, Such, Kahn & Shepard on her New Jersey Estate Planning & Elder Law Blog LinkedIn Best Practices - Legal marketing expert Lindsay Griffiths of International Lawyers Network on Zen & The Art of Legal Networking Dodging a Bullet: The FCC's Report on the Future of the Media - Patrick Maines, president of The Media Institute, at the Institute's Media & Communications Policy Blog … [read post]
8 Oct 2009, 6:26 am
For example, consultants such as Rees Morrison, Bruce MacEwen (aka Adam Smith, Esq, Jordan Furlong (new to the consulting this month), Patrick McKenna, or Bruce Heintz illustrate how blogging can either establish or maintain thought leadership, a key consulting selling point. [read post]
24 Mar 2015, 4:43 pm by Zosha Millman
McKinnon of McKenna Long & Aldridge on the firm’s Planely Spoken blog FCC Proposes Fine of $325,000 in TV Indecency Case – What Prompted this Largest Fine Ever for a Single Incident? [read post]
19 Oct 2023, 6:29 am by Chiara Gallo
The BILETA AGM will take place on Wednesday 17th April and the conference will be held at the Dublin City University’s historical St Patrick’s Campus and online on Thursday 18 and Friday 19 April 2024. [read post]
8 Sep 2010, 12:00 am by Jim Hassett
”  It highlighted a post by Patrick McKenna entitled The Demand Side of The Market is Not Demanding, arguing there is “a lot of smoke, but...where’s the fire? [read post]
14 Apr 2008, 9:12 pm
One of the most successful approaches to marketing is the use of practice groups, highlighted by Patrick McKenna and David Maister in their book First Among Equals. [read post]
10 Jul 2012, 1:00 am by Paula Black
Patrick McKenna advises: "Unless you are staying for a protracted period of time, keep your hotel room clean and make your own bed and do not let anyone from housekeeping into your room. [read post]
7 Jan 2013, 5:00 am by Doug Cornelius
Sklar Race to the Bottom re: The Auditors by Francie Mckenna SEC Actions by Thomas O. [read post]
17 Apr 2008, 7:22 pm
We were thrilled to get the recent comments from law practice management guru Patrick J. [read post]
16 Apr 2007, 10:42 am
Combine this with the remarks by Patrick McKenna, an Edge Principal, releasing the results, who said that they received a significant number of emails from people who wanted to respond but didn't know enough of their peers to cast a vote, and you have at least a one-dimensional portrait of a group of law firm leaders who may feel relatively isolated. [read post]
6 Sep 2010, 5:56 pm by AdamSmith1776
" This was swiftly followed by Patrick McKenna writing in LegalOnRamp, "The demand side of the market is not demanding. [read post]
3 Aug 2018, 7:52 am by Lisa Ouellette
(I'm not sure what Peter's answer is from the abstract, but I haven't been convinced by the "yes" arguments I've seen so far.)Breakout 6 – Tort-Tinged IPBen Depoorter & Robert Walker – Attracting litigation is deployed strategically by IP defendants to attain free publicity.Mark McKenna & Mark Lemley – Courts should avoid conflating an incumbent's desire to prevent disruption with infringement of an IP right by holding… [read post]
26 Oct 2016, 5:48 am by SHG
That’s one takeaway from a survey released Friday by industry experts Patrick McKenna and David Parnell, who polled 124 law firm leaders and found that nearly all of them (93 percent) reported “bullying” at their firms. [read post]
7 Jun 2011, 12:00 am
Monica Martinez won a night’s stay at the Moonrise Hotel.David Archer, Beverly Bledsoe, Shari Kern, Carol McKenna, Clara McLeod and Peggy Smith each won two tickets to a St. [read post]
27 May 2013, 12:46 pm by Ron
Patrick McKenna writes today at Slaw Do You Know What It Takes to Be a Firm Leader? [read post]
11 Jan 2011, 10:00 pm by Jim Hassett
On Tuesday January 25, I will give a talk on this topic in New York City as part of the Ark Group workshop on Overcoming Lawyers’ Resistance to Change, which I am co-chairing with Patrick McKenna. [read post]