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10 Jun 2021, 1:01 am
” There was little doubt among the attendees that Calvin Coolidge, who had become president on the death of Warren G. [read post]
14 Aug 2009, 3:06 am
Jennifer Hays at the Warren & Hays Blog has an important bit of information for officers and managers - they can be held independently liable for unpaid wages under the FLSA. [read post]
26 Aug 2009, 5:18 am
Merpel wonders whether, strictly speaking, the burger is just the bit in the middle, the bun being merely an outer casing] [but] that Mr Walsh had re-introduced MSG into the product to give it a slightly stronger flavour"".Speculation is rife as to whether counsel for the parties belong to the Burger Bar ...Wikipedia on burgers hereSpice burger recipes with video hereKangaroo burger here Warren Burger here [read post]
9 Oct 2016, 12:00 am
Also in the NYT, Carol Anderson reviews Blood at the Root, in which Patrick Phillips tells the story of the racial violence that forced African Americans out of Forsyth County, GA in 1912. [read post]
2 Feb 2014, 7:13 am
Arbitrator Patrick Westerkamp rejected the Union's grievance as untimely. [read post]
21 Dec 2008, 6:25 pm
By choosing Warren, Obama has ELEVATED Warren and his beliefs to respectability. [read post]
27 Dec 2007, 9:55 am
Patrick S. [read post]
16 Feb 2012, 7:53 am
So just by way of example, Chief Financial Officer Patrick T. [read post]
27 Nov 2012, 9:23 am
Greg Mankiw explains how Warren Buffett does it: 1. [read post]
4 Feb 2016, 9:45 pm
In a working paper from the market-oriented think-tank the Mercatus Center, Patrick McLaughlin and Laura Stanley examined the impact on entry regulations on income inequality. [read post]
3 Dec 2013, 1:02 am
Warren named for General Joseph Warren, pioneer physician and Revolutionary War soldier killed at Bunker Hill. [read post]
24 Sep 2010, 5:45 am
– from Patrick Smith’s Iowa Employment Law Blog The Internet - The Next Frontier for the ADA: Will Your Website Comply? [read post]
10 Feb 2011, 1:26 pm
Chris Chalk (Fences) is cast as Damon Robinson, the inmate who gets a second chance, in a cast that also features Michael Balderrama (In the Heights), Neal Huff (Take Me Out), David Patrick Kelly (Festen) and Amanda Mason Warren (The Golden Age). [read post]
21 Jun 2010, 12:05 pm
Warren Phillips, the KPMG partner in charge of the disposals, told the Financial Times, “I’ve been surprised by how quickly the values of some of these assets have come back. [read post]
30 Dec 2011, 9:00 am
In an attempt to keep the customers (and cash) flowing in, GoDaddy has launched a new ad campaign over the last week, featuring a nearly-nude Danica Patrick. [read post]
13 Jun 2011, 8:10 am
And its not any further of a leap to see why consumer advocates, such as Elizabeth Warren, are needed. [read post]
6 Dec 2009, 9:00 pm
Warren Zevon "Keep me in Your Heart" Memorial Award - TBA June Breit, honored posthumously, The Alan Reinstein Memorial Award for her commitment to advocacy to eradicate mesothelioma and offer support to patients and their families. [read post]
4 Jun 2009, 11:38 pm
For more information on child labor laws generally, check out Jennifer Hays's thoughts at the Warren & Hays Blog. [read post]
16 Apr 2017, 6:00 am
In Massachussets, Anti-Federalist Mercy Otis Warren denounced the “absurd enthusiasm” that “spread over the lower classes of people,” giving “blind and idolatrous homage to false leaders. [read post]
25 Oct 2019, 12:22 pm
Senator Warren specifically targeted Facebook’s acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp in a plan to unwind some of the highest-profile tech mergers. [read post]