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18 Dec 2019, 3:44 am by Edith Roberts
At Newsweek, Roger Parloff discusses the three cases involving President Donald Trump’s efforts to shield his financial records from subpoenas issued by a New York grand jury and three congressional committees that the court agreed last week to hear, observing that “the rulings below suggest that judges of different parties see these cases through radically different lenses. [read post]
10 Jan 2008, 11:40 am
Today, Roger Parloff at Fortune notes the same, pointing out that she left Milberg in late August 2006, about three months after the firm was indicted. [read post]
10 Jan 2007, 9:00 am
Roger Parloff did, and the results are entertaining; and other journalists could certainly learn a lesson from Parloff's skepticism and willingness to read between the lines. [read post]
12 May 2009, 10:40 pm
  We have tried to sum up for readers the labyrinthine facts and developments in the shocking and fascinating case of Marc Dreier, drawing upon excellent and thorough articles on the subject by Roger Parloff in Fortune Magazine and by Robert Kolker in New York Magazine. [read post]
16 Sep 2010, 7:35 pm by Kenneth Anderson
 It is by Roger Parloff, in Fortune. [read post]
4 Apr 2010, 3:26 pm
. ~ Reporter Roger Parloff, writing for CNN Money, uncovered fake hospital websites allegedly operated by plaintiffs' law firms that were searching for clients with asbestos-related diseases.Huh. [read post]
6 Dec 2023, 10:23 am by Howard Bashman
” And at the “Lawfare” blog, Roger Parloff has a post titled “‘For Whatever Reason’: Will the Colorado Supreme Court Apply the Constitutional Insurrectionist Bar to Presidents? [read post]
30 Jun 2008, 11:56 am
Over at Fortune’s Legal Pad blog, Roger Parloff details a series of Legal Sea Foods ads that have run on the sides of Boston buses and trolleys. [read post]
16 Sep 2010, 8:11 pm by Kenneth Anderson
 Good article on the background to the case and the subsequent — and quite astonishing — behavior of the plaintiffs’ lawyers, by Roger Parloff in Fortune, “Evidence of Fraud Mounts in Ecuadorian Suit Against Chevron. [read post]
19 Nov 2021, 10:26 am by Tim De Chant
Rather, the prosecution played interviews recorded by journalist Roger Parloff, who wrote a cover story about Holmes when he worked at Forbes magazine. [read post]
15 Jan 2008, 4:47 am
The favorable assumption is that Hynes, a former prosecutor who became a name partner in the firm, was systematically duped by her former colleagues, as Roger Parloff at Fortune notes: While being a dupe is not unethical, and certainly not illegal, it's no badge of honor, either. [read post]
2 Apr 2010, 9:45 am by Eric Lipman
It was only after the Fortune reporter, Roger Parloff, began making inquiries of the law firms that disclaimers indicating the sites were not affiliated with the Department of Veterans Affairs were added. [read post]
25 Oct 2007, 10:12 pm
(Oct. 25; and see Roger Parloff's excellent post on the episode at Fortune "Legal Pad"). [read post]
28 Feb 2008, 11:02 am
On his Legal Pad blog, Roger Parloff is reporting that, on Wednesday, a special master in the federal shareholders class-action against Coke recommended that Coughlin Stoia, which has worked on the case for seven years, be barred from serving as class counsel because it allegedly purchased â [read post]
5 Jan 2011, 4:04 am by Walter Olson
Notables including Alan Morrison, Richard Epstein, Kathleen Sullivan sign amicus brief urging court review of multistate tobacco settlement [Daniel Fisher/Forbes, Christine Hall/CEI, Todd Zywicki] “Congress rediscovers the Constitution” [Roger Pilon, WSJ] Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. profiled [Roger Parloff, Fortune] When outside investors stake divorce litigants: yes, there are legal ethics angles [Christine Hurt] Mexico, long noted for strict gun control… [read post]
14 May 2007, 9:20 am
Roger Parloff of Fortune has a full report (Legal Pad, May 13). [read post]
4 Oct 2016, 3:05 am by Walter Olson
Roger Parloff at Fortune, drawing on the work of the late contracts scholar Arthur Leff, explains why. [read post]
30 Jul 2012, 12:49 pm by Chris Castle
By Roger Parloff, senior editor FORTUNE — If the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the nation’s preeminent digital rights nonprofit, had disclosed last year that it received a cool $1 million gift from Google — about 17% of its total revenue — some eyebrows might have been raised. [read post]