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24 Jun 2022, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
  It’s not simply how one tells the dancer from the dance; it’s also how one evaluates performances of Mozart or Beethoven on “original instruments,” as Malcolm Bilson performed, or on the most advanced Steinways, as was the case with Russell Sherman. [read post]
19 Jun 2022, 5:19 am by Frank Cranmer
Russell Sandberg: Religious Education and Worship debated in House of Lords. [read post]
14 Jun 2022, 11:20 pm by Florian Mueller
The lukewarm reception Tim Cook got at a recent meeting of privacy activists suggests that this is increasingly understood, with more and more people refusing to be fooled into thinking that Apple is truly their ally. [read post]
15 May 2022, 12:25 am by Frank Cranmer
When people – especially political people – start pleading “common sense”, to our suspicious minds it always sounds as if they simply can’t be bothered to conduct a rigorous analysis of their own proposals. [read post]
6 May 2022, 2:25 pm by ACLU
Solem, was a free speech case on behalf of Indian activist Russell Means. [read post]
15 Apr 2022, 9:30 pm by ernst
" Legal historian Russell Osgood continues as interim dean at Washington University-St. [read post]
13 Apr 2022, 5:36 pm
  And yet there is much here of substantial relevance to a world in transformation in which today’s people stand on the shoulders of giants and pretend they are reinventing the world on their own,  They are, in fact, merely reprising old, very old, patterns of humans seeking not merely to understand the world around them, but to figure out how to project that meaning authoritatively into a community of believers. [read post]
20 Feb 2022, 4:38 am
 Dado, La Grande Ferme--Homage à Bernard Réquichot (1962-3); CentrePompidou  It was my great honor to have been asked to participate in the brilliant Conference "The Life and Work of Robert M. [read post]
26 Jan 2022, 9:46 am by Amy Howe
” But if Breyer – who majored in philosophy as an undergraduate at Stanford University – sometimes came across as an academic on the bench, he was at the same time both a member of the court’s liberal wing and, as his former law clerk Kevin Russell told USA Today, “unapologetically pragmatic in thinking that it’s the court’s job to help make government work for real people. [read post]
24 Jan 2022, 6:04 pm
People have, for example, ‘imaginary friends’, but they rarely have ‘imaginaries’ (Brigitte Nerlich, Imagining imaginaries, University of Nottingham Blog (23 April 2015) with a nice summary explanation of the evolution and expansion of the term within the social sciences)Whatever its pedigree, the term is useful here. [read post]
21 Jan 2022, 3:15 am by familoo
(There is also a requirement that the people concerned have to be personally connected, which is defined. [read post]