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12 Sep 2011, 11:30 am by Paul Caron
Susan Morse (UC-Hastings) presents Tax Imperialism at Loyola-L.A. today as part of its Tax Policy Colloquium Series: The jurisdictional tussle of international tax reform necessarily involves countries influencing each others’ tax policy choices. [read post]
13 Dec 2013, 1:28 pm by Paul Caron
UC-Berkeley hosts the Fall 2013 Northern California Tax Roundtable today with these papers: Mark Gergen (UC-Berkeley), The Case in Economic Theory of Wrapping a Carbon Tax Around Cap and Trade Commentator: Sarah Lawsky (UC-Irvine) David Hasen (Santa Clara), Ideal Taxation and Market Failure Commentator: Susan Morse (Texas) Susan Morse (Texas),... [read post]
22 Mar 2012, 9:09 am by Daniel Shaviro
This past Tuesday, Susan Morse appeared at our colloquium to discuss her paper draft, "International Corporate Tax Reform and a Corporate Offshore Excise Tax. [read post]
4 Jun 2015, 4:00 am by Paul Caron
Panel #1: Compliance Tessa Davis (South Carolina), Of Tax Evasion and Bad Citizens Commentators: Emily Satterthwaite (Toronto), Randle Pollard (Indiana) Emily Satterthwaite (Toronto), Tax Compliance Learning Commentators: Susie Morse (Texas), Andy Grewal (Iowa) Susan Morse (Texas), Tax Anti-Avoidance Law in Australia and the United States Commentators: Tessa Davis (South Carolina),... [read post]
23 Mar 2010, 3:10 am by Paul Caron
From Susan Morse (Santa Clara): The Xilinx litigation deals with the treatment of stock option costs in cost sharing arrangements before those regs... [read post]
8 Sep 2023, 4:00 am by Paul Caron
Tuesday, September 12: Susan Morse (Texas; Google Scholar) will... [read post]
6 Jan 2018, 6:00 am by Paul Caron
Batchelder (NYU) Victor Fleischer (San Diego) Susan Morse (Texas) George K. [read post]
11 Nov 2016, 11:30 am by David Gamage
This week, David Gamage (UC-Berkeley, moving to Indiana) reviews a new article by Susan Morse (Texas) and Eric Allen (USC), Innovation and Taxation at Start-Up Firms, Tax Law Review, Vol. 69, No. 3, 2016. [read post]
6 Jun 2014, 4:57 am by Paul Caron
Panel #1: Financial Innovation Randle Pollard (Indiana, Kelley School of Business), Feeling Insecure – A State View of Whether Investors in Municipal General Obligation Bonds Have a Mere Promise to Pay or a Binding Obligation Commentators: Phil Hackney (LSU), Susan Morse (Texas) Omri Marian (Florida), Designing a Regulatory System for... [read post]
8 Jun 2011, 8:02 pm by Amanda Rose
  Eric Allen, a PhD candidate at Haas Business School, and Susie Morse, a Hastings tax professor, presented their paper Firm Incorporation Outside the U.S.: No Exodus Yet. [read post]