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14 Dec 2006, 6:10 am
If you want an introduction to these new tools, see the Justia weblog, where Tim Stanley has a long post explaining the site's Blawg Directory, Blawg Rankings, and more. [read post]
3 May 2007, 2:34 pm
Its redesign was engineered by, and as Justia CEO Tim Stanley explains:"Sabrina had us work on the redesign of the site, with a lot of work on the user interface and search functionality. [read post]
14 Apr 2006, 1:26 pm by Legal Talk Network
You'll hear from Tim Stanley, former CEO and co-founder of FindLaw who now runs Justia, a web design company for law firms and member of the California Bar, Pete Boyd, Florida Attorney and President of PaperStreet which he founded in law school and legal technology consultant, Dennis Kennedy who is also on the boards of Law Practice Today and the ABA Techshow. [read post]
26 Jul 2011, 7:12 am by tom
LII Director Tom Bruce was among those honored, as were frequent LII collaborators Tim Stanley, Stacy Stern,  Carl Malamud, Erika Wayne, John Joergensen and Sarah Glassmeyer, and VoxPopuLII editor Robert Richards. [read post]
28 Apr 2011, 4:55 pm by legalinformatics
Filed under: Applications, Technology developments, Technology tools Tagged: Cicely Wilson, Court decisions, Digests of court decisions, Digests of judicial decisions, Electronic digests of court decisions, Electronic digests of judicial decisions, Free access to law, Judicial decisions, Justia, Justia Daily Opinion Summaries, Online digests of court decisions, Online digests of judicial decisions, Public access to legal information, Tim Stanley [read post]
14 Oct 2011, 3:57 pm by Courtney Minick
Our own Tim Stanley will participate in a conference panel discussion on social media with Dennis Kennedy, Tom Mighell, and Steve Silverberg. [read post]
14 Apr 2006, 1:26 pm
You'll hear from Tim Stanley, former CEO and co-founder of FindLaw who now runs Justia, a web design company for law firms and member of the California Bar, Pete Boyd, Florida Attorney and President of PaperStreet which he founded in law school and legal technology consultant, Dennis Kennedy who is also on the boards of Law Practice Today and the ABA Techshow. [read post]
14 Oct 2011, 3:57 pm by Courtney Minick
Our own Tim Stanley will participate in a conference panel discussion on social media with Dennis Kennedy, Tom Mighell, and Steve Silverberg. [read post]
19 Apr 2011, 12:04 pm by Robert Ambrogi
Justia founder Tim Stanley tells me that the summaries will be shared with other publishers of free case law, such as the Legal Information Institute, to use with their services. [read post]
5 Feb 2010, 3:36 pm by Lisa Kennelly
Mark Britton, President & CEO of Avvo Doug Mandell of Mandell Law Group Kathy Gill, Senior Lecturer, Digital Media, University of Washington John Day, Tennessee injury lawyer and member of LexBlog Network Bob Ambrogi, lawyer & legal media consultant Tim Stanley, CEO of Justia, Inc. [read post]
23 Nov 2009, 12:41 pm by Susanna Leers
Starting today, we’re enabling people everywhere to find and read full text legal opinions from U.S. federal and state district, appellate and supreme courts… We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the work of several pioneers, who have worked on making it possible for an average citizen to educate herself about the laws of the land: Tom Bruce (Cornell LII), Jerry Dupont (LLMC), Graham Greenleaf and Andrew Mowbray (AustLII), Carl Malamud (Public.Resource.Org),… [read post]
17 Nov 2009, 10:56 am
Internet for Lawyers' cites Tim Stanley's and Carl Malamud's Twitter comments for likely database scope: While there is no documentation on the Scholar site yet regarding coverage of the database, a number of other tweets form reliable sources (including Tim Stanley and Carl Malamud) indicate that it includes: * 1 US 1 (pre 1776) * 1 F 2d 1 (1924 +) * F Supp Cases * US State Cases (1950+) [read post]
24 Feb 2017, 8:42 am by Tim Stanley
An essential component of SEO success for law firms continues to be high-quality, original, focused content. [read post]
10 May 2007, 8:32 am
Our favorite suggestion, albeit a fictional one: Pumpkin and Honey Bunny, deliciously played by Tim Roth and Amanda Plummer in “Pulp Fiction. [read post]
10 Feb 2009, 6:36 am by Wendy Fried
Word has it that Morgan Stanley wants to break up with the Treasury Department by returning all the money it got under the TARP Capital Purchase Program. [read post]
17 Nov 2009, 2:16 pm
Queensland 2770 hits Google hat-tips "several pioneers, who have worked on making it possible for an average citizen to educate herself about the laws of the land: Tom Bruce (Cornell LII), Jerry Dupont (LLMC), Graham Greenleaf and Andrew Mowbray (AustLII), Carl Malamud (Public.Resource.Org), Daniel Poulin (LexUM), Tim Stanley (Justia), Joe Ury (BAILII), Tim Wu (AltLaw) and many others". [read post]
7 Nov 2005, 1:39 pm
And you can get updates on the LexThink Blog.Here is a partial list of the speakers: Jeff Beard, David Bowerman, Matt Buchanan, Henry Copeland, Ben Cowgill, Dennis Crouch, Steve Dembo, Carolyn Elefant, Fred Faulkner Peter Flashner, Michael Herman, Matt Homann, Will Hornsby, Brandy Karl, Dennis Kennedy, Cathy Kirkman, Rick Klau, Patrick Lamb, Jim McGee, Diane Murley, Steve Nipper, Kevin O'Keefe, Sabrina Pacifici, Evan Schaeffer, Bonnie Shucha, Doug Sorocco, Tim Stanley (me),… [read post]
23 Nov 2006, 4:34 pm
Tim Stanley, who co-founded FindLaw with his wife, Stacey Stern, before selling to Thomson, is as driven as any business person I know. [read post]
7 Nov 2005, 1:39 pm
And you can get updates on the LexThink Blog.Here is a partial list of the speakers: Jeff Beard, David Bowerman, Matt Buchanan, Henry Copeland, Ben Cowgill, Dennis Crouch, Steve Dembo, Carolyn Elefant, Fred Faulkner Peter Flashner, Michael Herman, Matt Homann, Will Hornsby, Brandy Karl, Dennis Kennedy, Cathy Kirkman, Rick Klau, Patrick Lamb, Jim McGee, Diane Murley, Steve Nipper, Kevin O'Keefe, Sabrina Pacifici, Evan Schaeffer, Bonnie Shucha, Doug Sorocco, Tim Stanley (me),… [read post]