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4 Jun 2024, 10:30 am by Public Employment Law Press
Governor Kathy Hochul today announced the ratification of a three-year labor agreement with the Police Benevolent Association of New York State, which includes more than 1,100 members of the New York State Agency Police Services Unit in titles such as Forest Ranger, Environmental Conservation Officer, Park Patrol Officer and University Police Officer. [read post]
4 Jun 2024, 10:30 am by Public Employment Law Press
Governor Kathy Hochul today announced the ratification of a three-year labor agreement with the Police Benevolent Association of New York State, which includes more than 1,100 members of the New York State Agency Police Services Unit in titles such as Forest Ranger, Environmental Conservation Officer, Park Patrol Officer and University Police Officer. [read post]
7 Sep 2010, 12:51 pm by allman
Adrianne DelCotto, Suction Dredge Mining: The United States Forest Service Hands Miners the Golden Ticket, 40 Environmental Law Review 1021 (2010) Recreational suction dredge mining is a popular method of gold mining in the Pacific Northwest. [read post]
21 May 2015, 10:14 am by Ed. Puerto Rico
González Tosado worked as a Geologist with the United States Forest Service in Decatur, Texas and the United States Army Corps of Engineers in Savannah, Georgia. [read post]
5 Mar 2009, 5:32 pm
Plaintiffs challenged an amendment to the "land and resource management plan" for the Sierra Nevada National Forest adopted by the United States Forest Service ("Forest Service")… These forests are managed by the Forest Service pursuant to the National Forest Management Act ("NFMA"), 16 U.S.C. [read post]
14 Sep 2009, 12:04 pm
 The Forest Service opening is for a Director of the Visitor Center. [read post]
11 May 2018, 3:00 pm by Aurora Barnes
Herr 17-1398 Issues: (1) Whether the United States Forest Service’s powers under the property clause of the Constitution to limit gas-powered motorboat use on lakes in congressionally designated wilderness areas are dependent upon and subservient to whether a state has first acted to restrict motorboat activities on the same lakes; and (2) whether prior existing uses of property near the many national wilderness areas are immunized from and… [read post]
6 Jun 2013, 10:21 am by Steven Koprince
The United States, No. 11-607C (2013) involved a BPA issued by the Forest Service for the purchase of crew carrier buses. [read post]
27 Jun 2019, 7:53 am by Bruce Zagaris
It also describes a recent call for consultation requested by the United States Trade Representative to raise with Peru the apparent violation of the United States – Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA) by compromising the independence of the agency charged with policing illegal logging and export of illegally harvested wood. [read post]
27 Jun 2019, 7:53 am by Bruce Zagaris
It also describes a recent call for consultation requested by the United States Trade Representative to raise with Peru the apparent violation of the United States – Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA) by compromising the independence of the agency charged with policing illegal logging and export of illegally harvested wood. [read post]
8 Mar 2007, 1:25 pm
It is one of the animating concepts that gave birth to the United States, and continues to be a vital force in it. [read post]
28 Oct 2015, 6:57 am by Brooke Wahlberg
Forest Service, BLM, Oregon State University, Utah State University and Brigham Young University are co-authoring the handbook series. [read post]
15 Nov 2020, 9:05 pm by Deborah Sivas
But as a society, the United States has a history of bailing out those on the losing end of these market forces. [read post]
15 Sep 2010, 9:30 pm by Ben Vernia
Forest also will pay over $149 million to resolve allegations under the False Claims Act, including a civil complaint filed by the United States in February 2009. [read post]
18 Feb 2020, 7:21 am by Noah Sachs
In fact, federal lands are owned by the United States, not by any particular federal agency. [read post]
13 Mar 2007, 1:14 am
United States Forest Service, (9th Cir., March 12, 2007), the appellate court held that the proposed use of treated sewage effluent on the San Francisco Peaks would impose a substantial burden on the religious exercise of Navajo and the Hopi Indian tribes. [read post]
18 Dec 2012, 12:37 pm by Taryn Rucinski
Forest Service (FS) in the Department of Agriculture—administer about 95% of those lands.The extent to which these four federal agencies have authority to acquire and dispose of land varies considerably. [read post]