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6 Dec 2009, 6:48 pm
The title of the article is The Quiet Coup, and it's introductory paragraph changed my whole year… The crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States. [read post]
31 Dec 2008, 10:35 am
Then Gray sought a pre-habeas petition stay of execution from the United States District Court for the District of Kansas, which Senior Judge Rogers granted. [read post]
1 Jun 2010, 7:44 am by Erin Miller
United States No. 09-223, Levin v. [read post]
28 Jul 2021, 11:12 am by Lydia Estep
In addition to the state and federal courts of D.C., VA, and M.D., he is a member of the Federal Courts in Puerto Rico, Colorado, and Texas, as well as the Court of Federal Claims, the Federal Circuit, where he has recently argued and won three appellate matters, the Veteran’s Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court, where he was lead counsel on a False Claims Act case (See United States ex rel. [read post]
17 May 2011, 1:46 pm by Goldberg Segalla LLP
Benjamin v Ahren Bennett and United States of America Bond v Progressive Ins Co Capobianco v Simolike Heim v Medical Care Knopick v Connelly People v. [read post]
4 Aug 2015, 12:21 pm by Freddy Funes
United States: In plain English and with plain logic, Justice Jackson explains why Korematsu's encampment was unconstitutional and dangerous.4. [read post]
10 Sep 2021, 10:30 am by Lydia Estep
Title III was enacted to “deter trafficking in wrongfully confiscated property” and provide “United States nationals who were the victims of these confiscations . . . with a judicial remedy in the courts of the United States. [read post]