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22 Nov 2013, 4:30 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
.): In re Autumn K An excerpt: This appeal challenges an order terminating the parental rights of mother Patricia M. and father Bryan K. to their daughter Autumn K. and placing the child for adoption. [read post]
12 Oct 2017, 2:45 am by Ruth Anne Robbins
Citation manuals artfully and autumnally displayed (photo by RA Robbins) With the return of autumn and the Supreme Court to session, appellate tweets and listservs turn to . . . did I really see a conversation about citation? [read post]
1 Nov 2010, 7:30 am by bteam
By Cindy Walke This fall marks the 20th anniversary of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments and as an avid horsewoman, the anniversary highlights why autumn is still my favorite time of year. [read post]
22 Sep 2021, 6:37 am by Eleonora Rosati
 Among the IP-focused ones, ERA's Autumn calendar features 3 conferences for which IPKat readers can register by claiming a 25% discount in the registration fee by using the VIP code ERA2021IPKAT at checkout.They are the following:Annual Conference on European Trade Mark and Design Law 2021On 6-8 October 2021 it will be the turn of the Annual Conference on European Trade Mark and Design Law 2021, which will take place online in 3 morning (CEST time zone) sessions. [read post]
24 Sep 2015, 5:45 am by Sally Peat
The current awareness section completes the autumn issue. [read post]
29 Oct 2019, 1:03 am
 TO SUM UP… The event's line-up of inspirational and innovative speakers and topics of discussion ranging anywhere from technology to trademarks really made the Fashion Law London – Autumn/Winter Review an event that was truly worth attending. [read post]
13 Dec 2017, 3:33 am
Even if HARVEST is a weak formative for coffee, the terms AUTUMN and FALL have the same meaning and the word BLEND is highly descriptive or generic. [read post]
15 Sep 2011, 9:47 am by uwlegalscholarship
Lexxion Publisher presents the Autumn Conference on European State Aid Law 2011 Dec. 1-2, 2011. [read post]
2 Jun 2017, 11:50 am
"A final appeal: Donald Trump asks the Supreme Court to reinstate his travel ban; The justices will decide whether to hear the case in the autumn -- and whether the ban should go into effect in the meantime. [read post]
21 Sep 2009, 9:27 am
Autumn:A great many people go to Scotland in the autumn. [read post]
26 Oct 2006, 5:11 am
CHESTER WRITES on the autumn of the patriarch. [read post]
23 Sep 2010, 10:00 am by Lucas A. Ferrara, Esq.
ET June 21 First Day of Autumn (Autumnal Equinox) 11:09 p.m. [read post]
3 Aug 2010, 3:25 pm by (Ann Althouse)
Seen today at Picnic advertising blog advertising [read post]
13 Sep 2010, 8:46 am by helpme123
I hope TTT writes about the new payment model being used by all of the agencies: rates are low.- OT is rare and starts at 40 not 35.- More of flat rates.- No osha guidelines whatsoever---inoperable bathrooms, non-ergomanic chairs, locked fire exits.- Some places do not even provide air since client will not pay for it.- Others do not even provide drinking water which is required by law.- A posting with links of agencies and how to report hazardous environs needs to be published. [read post]
22 Sep 2009, 6:00 am
ET June 21 First Day of Autumn Autumnal Equinox) 12:47p.m. [read post]
9 Sep 2020, 9:57 am by Slappey & Sadd, LLC
With summer nearly behind us, many people in the Atlanta area are looking forward to cooler temperatures, changing leaves, and some Falcons Football. [read post]
4 Oct 2016, 5:17 am by David Green
The Library is running the following workshops during the Autumn Term on Saturdays. [read post]
4 Oct 2016, 5:17 am by David Green
The Library is running the following workshops during the Autumn Term on Saturdays. [read post]