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4 Oct 2010, 2:17 pm
The individual mandate, however, asserts authority over citizens that have done nothing; they’re merely declining to purchase health insurance. [read post]
23 Jun 2008, 3:07 am
Let's face it - we're not going to see a 100 MW marine renewables project for some time - at least not until someone can actually site and construct a 10 MW facility that operates reliably. [read post]
19 May 2011, 11:32 am
The other is that political authority should be re-conceived as a matter of standing --that is, as the state’s unique possession of a moral permission to enforce moral norms, rather than as a moral power to impose freestanding duties of obedience. [read post]
15 Aug 2008, 1:07 pm
Lopez’s lawyer, Enrique Sanchez Falcon, has reportedly filed two other suits challenging the constitutionality of the list and intends to continue the battle to permit Lopez to run for reelection.If upheld, the disqualification of the 272 listed candidates from state and municipal elections will likely further consolidate President Chavez’s power over the political and economic mechanisms in Venezuela, including regulation of the (re)insurance market. [read post]
2 Jul 2012, 9:22 am
Knowledge is power. [read post]
16 Jan 2008, 8:19 am
We're now seeing that happen, with power flowing from very small groups of privileged people to much larger groups. [read post]
6 Sep 2011, 12:39 pm
If you're a football fan, you know the dangers of concussions. [read post]
18 Jul 2019, 8:34 am
Dogs have powerful noses. [read post]
13 Mar 2023, 1:21 pm
. ***** 10 Way Lawyers Can Unlock the Potential of ChatGPT You’ve probably seen many recent headlines about ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot that generates human-like responses to questions. [read post]
18 Jul 2019, 8:34 am
Dogs have powerful noses. [read post]
19 Sep 2023, 10:30 pm
First, it has moved the governance from power-oriented to rule-oriented politics. [read post]
11 May 2018, 10:13 am
It does absolutely nothing and has no powers whatsoever all the time you are alive. [read post]
More Adventures In Ethics: Did David Boies Cross Any Ethical Lines In His Work For Harvey Weinstein?
9 Nov 2017, 12:37 pm
Now Ronan Farrow’s continuing investigative coverage in The New Yorker (Times story here) reports that another of Weinstein’s tools of coercion was high-powered private investigators. [read post]
22 Jul 2008, 7:24 am
On Monday it plans to introduce a $240 desktop PC that is the size of a paperback and uses two watts of power compared with the 100 watts of some desktops.It wants to take advantage of the trend toward "cloud computing," in which data is managed and stored in distant servers, not on the actual machine.Unfortunately, some companies like Fujitsu is choosing to bury their heads in the sand in response: "We're sitting on the sidelines not because we're… [read post]
15 May 2023, 11:15 am
We built power. [read post]
5 Jun 2009, 12:31 pm
But to think that we're going to rely on very expensive solar and wind, which is an intermittent power source for our baseload electricity is're violating physics. [read post]
8 Feb 2011, 11:09 am
If you don’t get it, you’re wasting your money on a trust. [read post]
27 Jun 2014, 4:00 am
Curiously, this “law” almost never gets framed as such, and from what I can tell amounts to nothing more than the observation that we’re not too good a predicting the future, particularly when we’re trying to make the running. [read post]
14 Sep 2010, 4:55 pm
Ciara Torres-Spellicsy’s publication “Corporate Campaign Spending: Giving Shareholders A Voice” explains one way the process could work: Congress should act to protect shareholders by giving them the power, under statute, to authorize political spending by corporations. [read post]
2 Mar 2018, 8:52 am
So at that point you’re left in an awkward spot. [read post]