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30 Jun 2023, 11:33 am
If you have legal questions, the knowledgeable Oregon civil rights attorneys at Kaplan Law LLC can provide you with helpful answers and sound advice. [read post]
25 Jul 2009, 7:02 pm
Walker stated that the dismissal was without prejudice to the plaintiff's right to file a new complaint seeking a dissolution of the civil union. [read post]
17 Mar 2018, 7:52 am
Supreme Court to decide city sex-toy case”: John Ruch of Reporter Newspapers of Sandy Springs, Georgia has an article that begins, “Major civil liberties groups are urging the U.S. [read post]
17 Oct 2008, 7:34 am
Heroes & Spoilers: The Role of the Media in Unsolved Civil Rights Era Murder Prosecutions is an article by Janis L. [read post]
8 Mar 2011, 9:59 am
The case, Skinner v. [read post]
17 Jun 2019, 6:30 am
In addition to a growing public outcry over civil forfeiture, there are hints that members of the current Supreme Court may be willing to reconsider its constitutionality. [read post]
16 Jan 2009, 4:22 pm
With the Georgia legislature back in session in Atlanta, I am reminded of how some lobbyists and a few politicians distrust their fellow citizens so much that they keep trying to erode the right to trial by jury in civil cases. [read post]
8 Mar 2012, 5:39 pm
“No procedural principle is more familiar to this Court than that a constitutional right, or a right of any other sort, may be forfeited in criminal as well as civil cases by the failure to make timely assertion of the right before a tribunal having jurisdiction to determine it. [read post]
20 Dec 2010, 1:00 am
The Walt Disney Company, in which the Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals held that Disney's animated movie "Cars" did not infringe the publicity rights of race car driver Mark Brill, even though Brill drives a red race car bearing the number 95 [read post]
5 Sep 2018, 4:00 am
Assuming for the moment that I am right, that there are circumstances in which sarcasm and invective and so on are appropriate tools for a lawyer, how do we know what those circumstances are? [read post]
9 Nov 2010, 9:10 am
Anyone interested in education law or civil rights will want to take a look at the recently revised ACLU publication, Students! [read post]
29 Apr 2011, 7:54 pm
For example, a doctor who mistakenly amputates a man’s left leg instead of his right would likely be a defendant in a civil suit for his surgical error. [read post]
3 Mar 2021, 9:09 am
Are motivated to right the wrong. [read post]
15 Sep 2009, 8:33 pm
Part III examines the trial and appellate litigation in Floride Norelus's civil rights case. [read post]
19 Nov 2010, 2:25 pm
New Jersey Courts have long recognized that, since the Tort Claims Act does not apply to intentional claims, it does not apply to cases under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, the anti-retaliation provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act, and other civil rights claims. [read post]
1 Mar 2011, 11:10 pm
There may be cases where a third party or person is being troubled by the Bank under SARFAESI Act, 2002 and even in such cases, the legislature has intended the aggrieved to approach the Debt Recovery Tribunal only as section 17 provides a right to ‘any other person’ including borrower. [read post]
7 Feb 2018, 5:20 am
, notice the insertion of the words “civil rights remedies” into the mix? [read post]
21 Jun 2019, 10:14 am
The Court confirmed its long standing, but often challenged, holding that an employee can prove an employer violated the Iowa Civil Rights Act by showing that a discriminatory or retaliatory motive was a motivating factor or played a part in the employer’s action taken against the employee. [read post]
23 Jan 2013, 6:02 am
In a civil or criminal case, evidence of the following is not admissible against the defendant who made the plea or participated in the plea discussions: (1) a guilty plea that... [read post]
11 May 2024, 1:13 pm
In exchange for such rights, though, employees are generally precluded from pursuing civil claims against their employers for workplace harm. [read post]