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25 Jul 2017, 8:52 am
These regulations implement provisions of the Dodd Frank legislation; they became effective January 10, 2014. [read post]
12 Aug 2011, 1:00 am
To be frank, it really is hard for me to express how much I enjoy riding motorcycles. [read post]
19 Jul 2009, 3:36 am
The Crown's office and the judges are being compensated handsomely for the system to run, and we haven't been compensated in the last 20 years adequately at all" stated Gil Labine, the Thunder Bay CLA's Regional Director.CLA President Frank Addario recently met with Attorney General Chris Bentley to discuss the association's agenda. [read post]
19 Feb 2009, 4:22 pm
Congressmen Henry Waxman (D-Ca) and Frank Pallone Jr. [read post]
4 Sep 2012, 12:36 pm
Franks v. [read post]
25 Apr 2011, 7:35 pm
Remember that $30 billion small business lending fund that Congress threw up last year, the one that had 10-year commercial real estate loan and OREO amortization in it, then out of it? [read post]
10 May 2023, 10:30 am
Frank, 313 Ill. [read post]
17 Dec 2014, 11:37 am
To discuss your car accident case with a diligent lawyer today, do not hesitate to call the dedicated Miami personal injury attorneys at Friedman, Rodman & Frank, P.A. at (305) 448-8585 or contact us through our website. [read post]
29 Mar 2011, 7:34 pm
The American Banker recently ran an article (paid subscription required) that discussed one of those hare-brained legislative schemes that pop up in times of economic crisis and that lead us to conclude that when states rights advocates refer to states as "laboratories of democracy," they are referring to the laboratory of Doctor Frankenstein (pronounced "Frank-en-steen" for all you "Young Frankenstein" afficianados). [read post]
30 Dec 2015, 7:53 am
§ 1640(a)) that give rise to statutory and class action damages do not include either RESPA disclosures or the new Dodd-Frank Act disclosures, including the Total Cash to Close and Total Interest Percentage. [read post]
9 Aug 2016, 6:00 am
The lawsuit was filed by the estate of Randy Wolfe, the lead guitarist of the band Spirit, who wrote the song Taurus. [read post]
22 Mar 2019, 7:19 am
The plaintiff’s estate filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the store, arguing that it failed to take necessary precautions to prevent such an accident. [read post]
27 Dec 2010, 10:40 am
Except for health care reform and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street regulatory legislation, almost every one of those accomplishments were products of the lame-duck session: the meetings of the House and Senate conducted after the mid-year election and before the Congress chosen at that election takes office. [read post]
4 Oct 2011, 1:13 pm
Like Frank Zappa said about why there would never be atomic war: too much real estate. [read post]
17 Aug 2012, 5:28 am
Many of his recruits were football coaches and players, including Frank Beamer, Barry Switzer and Tommy Tuberville, and Donnan allegedly used his influence to convince them to collectively invest millions of dollars. [read post]
17 Jan 2011, 4:53 pm
With the advent of 2011, a new EU regulatory framework for securities and banking has been born, including a European Systemic Risk Board similar to the Financial Stability Oversight Council created by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. [read post]
7 Jul 2011, 7:00 am
Institutions are still trying to understand the scope of Dodd-Frank. [read post]
18 Mar 2011, 6:58 pm
More recently, Section 215 of the Dodd-Frank Act mandates a study to evaluate whether a potential haircut on secured creditors could improve market discipline and reduce cost to the taxpayers. [read post]
24 Apr 2011, 6:12 pm
TLA handles personal injury, real estate, estate planning, divorce, bankruptcy, criminal law. [read post]
26 Oct 2012, 5:14 am
I recall one compliance executive at a real estate firm who received a complaint about possible misconduct in China. [read post]