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13 Nov 2023, 5:00 am by Public Employment Law Press
"* FOIL is applicable to “agency” records, but FOIL's definition of “agency” expressly excludes New York State's Judiciary and the New York State Legislature as agencies within the ambit of FOIL. [read post]
13 Nov 2023, 5:00 am by Public Employment Law Press
"* FOIL is applicable to “agency” records, but FOIL's definition of “agency” expressly excludes New York State's Judiciary and the New York State Legislature as agencies within the ambit of FOIL. [read post]
21 Apr 2018, 12:41 pm
S. 61 (1975) (per curiam)United States v. [read post]
9 Jan 2019, 4:41 pm by Bill Amadeo
Gray” case, we learn that if an individual is a party to the conversation they can record the communication (Sullivan v. [read post]
10 Mar 2008, 5:46 pm
Today’s news about the case being brought by a number of Irish record companies against Eircom (the former State-owned telco and still a very significant player in voice, broadband and other services) is unexpected in terms of its timing, I suppose, but also long ‘overdue’ in that it has been discussed and wondered about for some time. [read post]
8 Jun 2018, 8:09 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Briefs: record on appeal native outlet motion for leave to appeal appellant brief seneca nation amicus brief cayuga nation amicus brief state appellee brief state response to tribal amici reply brief [read post]