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24 May 2010, 2:52 pm by Gregory J. Brod
According to the Wall Street Journal, as of 2003, U.S. regulators decided that remote-controlled safeguards, known as acoustical valves, needed more study; and a report commissioned by the MMS said “acoustic systems are not recommended because they tend to very costly. [read post]
7 Aug 2007, 6:16 am
Balco a thinly veiled front for U.S. v. [read post]
27 Apr 2011, 6:56 pm
Supreme Court held today in a 5-4 decision.The court reversed and remanded a decision of the U.S. [read post]
16 Jul 2012, 1:30 am
The online briefing, on human rights implications of U.S. [read post]
24 Mar 2016, 7:17 am
Many know her as the judge in the Apple v. [read post]
21 Sep 2017, 4:02 am by Edith Roberts
At Keen News Service, Lisa Keen explains why the “new U.S. [read post]
20 Sep 2017, 4:15 am by Edith Roberts
” At truthdig, Bill Blum discusses partisan-gerrymandering case Gill v. [read post]