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14 Apr 2011, 10:54 am by Jon Sands
Hartley, No. 10-15760 (Wallace with Kozinski and Silverman). [read post]
17 Oct 2012, 10:07 pm by Paul Karlsgodt
Class Certification may never truly be over –   Attorney for the plaintiff in McReynolds v. [read post]
6 Sep 2023, 12:28 pm by David Kopel
More broadly, Bruen instructed lower courts to decide Second Amendment cases the way that Court had decided District of Columbia v. [read post]
10 Aug 2010, 8:35 am by South Florida Lawyers
  (See Ted Olsen explain that to an incredulous Chris Wallace above).Indeed, Judge Walker expressly refused to make any rulings regarding morality or the "emotional acceptance" of one view of marriage as opposed to another. [read post]
2 Apr 2011, 4:02 am by (Peter Black)
These are some of the things I've been tweeting about today: john jeremiah sullivan reviews david foster wallace's last novel, "the pale king' ... [read post]
31 Dec 2008, 10:30 am
" But something that may be overlooked in thinking about Loving v. [read post]
18 Jun 2012, 3:25 am by Russ Bensing
Wallace, and the 6th District’s decision in State v. [read post]
9 May 2017, 7:30 am by Josh Blackman
Yesterday, thirteen judges of the Fourth Circuit sitting en banc heard argument in IRAP v. [read post]