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21 Mar 2017, 2:43 pm by Ronald Mann
For a court that has heard so many crucial intellectual property cases over the last several years, October Term 2016 is remarkable in that it was not until this morning that the court heard an intellectual property case that has the potential to be a “major” decision. [read post]
18 May 2016, 6:08 am
 He also noted that, adecade before Riley, the Supreme Court reaffirmed the Government's historical right to search without a warrant people and property crossing the border into the United States. [read post]
2 Sep 2015, 4:25 am
 The title -- "IP in 2015 - Where we are v Where I thought we'd be"  -- is broad enough to suit all tastes and a multiplicity of interpretations. [read post]
9 Dec 2010, 3:37 am
Under the circumstances of the main proceedings that effect is to be presumed unless the offer concerns a single item or few items offered by a seller clearly not acting in the course of trade [read post]
24 May 2010, 4:54 pm
  Thus, this bill would overrule the California Supreme Court in Chavez v. [read post]
31 Oct 2019, 11:18 am by Michael Lowe
For there to be a crime, the item has to be defined as an illegal weapon under either state or federal law. [read post]
24 Nov 2013, 7:10 am by Giles Peaker
Hounslow decide that Ms H had instead spent money on non-essential items, like repaying a debt to a friend and pocket money for the children.This was upheld on review and S.204 appeal. [read post]