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3 Jan 2011, 11:54 am
Paul the Octopus: great at predicting, but not much use as a lobbyist for big business Can you predict the future? [read post]
14 Jan 2016, 6:53 am by Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Glassman
   Mostly, it is the GOP hopefuls who are intent on overhauling the United States Social Security Administration (SSA), and in some cases even shutting down the entire agency and privatizing the disability benefits system in the United States. [read post]
28 Feb 2016, 6:37 am by Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Glassman
At that time, it was calculated, the United States Social Security Administration (SSA) would only have enough money to fund 81 percent of the total needed. [read post]
5 Jun 2008, 1:10 pm
Michael Pauling, Senior Assistant Attorney General; Graham M. [read post]
5 Aug 2014, 7:10 pm by Lauren Bateman
 Vance Spath, begins the morning’s hearing in United States v. [read post]
27 Jun 2012, 1:05 pm by Stacia A. Wells
EMC Mortgage Corp., Case Number 1:09-cv-03106, United States District Court, Southern District of New York. [read post]
5 Dec 2007, 8:40 am
Justice Scalia challenged Waxman to name a single precedent in which a non-citizen held outside the sovereign territory of the United States (or England) was entitled to habeas even though no statute so provided. [read post]
22 Jan 2018, 11:56 am by Lisa Ouellette
Although the case only involves § 271(f) on supplying components from the United States (also at issue in Life Tech. v. [read post]
22 Jan 2018, 11:56 am by Lisa Ouellette
Although the case only involves § 271(f) on supplying components from the United States (also at issue in Life Tech. v. [read post]
20 Aug 2015, 8:29 am by MBettman
Case Background Steve Granger and Paul Steigerwald, the appellees, owned the four unit rental property at issue in this case. [read post]
22 May 2013, 2:18 pm by Rahul Bhagnari, ACLU
I know that one day my husband and I will probably have "the talk" with our son about what it means to be a black man in the United States. [read post]
28 Oct 2017, 5:01 am by Garrett Hinck, Matthew Kahn
Michael Hayden, who said that the greatest threat to global stability right now is the United States. [read post]
30 Dec 2013, 1:31 pm by Raffaela Wakeman
 (The latter relevantly stated that the President ought to be the sole source of official statements regarding the United States’ relations with foreign powers.) [read post]
19 Jul 2015, 10:54 am by Stuart Kaplow
Despite the hue and cry over the possibility of increased liability and the legal risk from green building, there is still not a single reported appellate court decision anywhere in the United States resolving green building disputes and differences. [read post]