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18 Dec 2006, 12:03 pm
Apple: who's the dadvsi in DRMs? [read post]
6 Jan 2025, 10:15 am by Allan Blutstein
Read FOIA Advisor’s commentary on the bill here. [read post]
The expansion of the operation was allegedly initiated by the administration of former US President Donald Trump in response to the 2017 re-election of Maduro which was marred with accusations of election interference and deadly protests. [read post]
12 Aug 2022, 8:54 am by Neil H. Buchanan
  When they use FBI agents to raid ob/gyn practices to look for evidence of miscarriages, they will want people to say that "they're just following the law. [read post]
However, the election was marred by widespread violence, and technical and logistical irregularities. [read post]
6 Dec 2015, 4:00 am by Administrator
L’appelante a été accusée d’avoir entravé la circulation des véhicules routiers lors d’une manifestation tenue le 15 mars 2011 dénonçant la brutalité policière, commettant ainsi une infraction à l’article 500.1 du Code de la sécurité routière. [read post]
31 Mar 2009, 4:21 pm
., Mar. 17, 2009), the Eleventh Circuit reversed the district court’s denial of the defendant’s motion pursuant to 28 U.S.C. [read post]
20 Feb 2018, 1:48 pm by Gritsforbreakfast
These are examples of going after Prosecutor overreach in a very specific way that's kind of unusual.Amanda Marzullo: Yeah, so we'll see what happens.In Denton County, challenger Brent Bowen says the reputation of incumbent Paul Johnson's office has been marred by lawsuits and misconduct. [read post]
24 Jun 2024, 10:37 am by Adam Klasfeld
“You’re saying the special counsel is taking inconsistent positions, but aren’t you just doing the same thing, flip-flopped? [read post]
23 Feb 2014, 4:00 am by Administrator
En mars 2009, il a été acquitté sous le premier chef et déclaré coupable sous le second. [read post]
20 Dec 2022, 12:08 am
 Les décisions de la DGD concernant la remise des droits de douane (cf. art. 59 de l’ordonnance du 4 avril 2007 de l’OFDF sur les douanes [OD-OFDF, RS 631.013]) peuvent faire l'objet d'un recours auprès du TAF (art. 31 et art. 33 let. d LTAF en relation avec l'art. 116 al. 4 de la loi du 18 mars 2005 sur les douanes [LD ; RS 631.0]). [read post]
13 May 2019, 3:33 am
Mars Inc., 105 USPQ2d at 1866.Read comments and post your comment here.TTABlog comment: I fail to understand why this decision was deemed precedential, when last October's Lakeside v. [read post]
24 Apr 2009, 8:27 am
(You can click on this and other graphics here to see a larger version of the image.): If you’re a marginalia maker, you’re in good company, historically speaking. [read post]