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4 Apr 2023, 1:43 pm by Gritsforbreakfast
"Also, Resolved, That the trouble in this community which was caused by the death of a fellow human being, and the wounding of several others, which threatened a general riot, grew out of the pernicious habit of carrying concealed weapons, and that the Mayor and Aldermen of this city be requested to pass an ordinance with sufficient penalties prohibiting the carrying on the person of all concealed weapons; and that the Council memorialize the State Convention to make a Constitutional provision… [read post]
8 Mar 2015, 9:04 pm by Florian Mueller
For example, the videos all feature CEOs of European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which is a smart choice for political reasons. [read post]
28 Nov 2020, 7:53 am by Hayleigh Bosher
Therefore, the reader should adapt the recommendations to the needs of his or her own company, considering, especially the organizational culture.Kat ManagementChapter 6 and 7 are probably the pulp of the book, also in terms of density of insights: “Patent Management by Industry” and “Patent Management in New Technology Environments”, delve into the peculiarities of different industry sectors with examples from the pharmaceutical, chemical, crop-science, life-science, and… [read post]
19 Feb 2013, 10:58 am
Its an area where such actions as those proposed will significantly reduce costs for SMEs and also costs of enforcement. [read post]
11 Nov 2017, 1:55 am
To book please click here.NEW European Union design initiative is accepting applications until 31st DecemberWORTH Partnership Project is funded by COSME programme of the European Union to support collaborations between technology firms, manufacturers, SMEs, start-ups and self employed professionals with designers, arts & crafts and creative people to develop innovative products and ideas.Successful partnerships will be provided with funding, coaching, skill building, networking… [read post]
28 May 2020, 10:24 am by Raymond Tan
If you are a SME commercial landlord or tenant, contact us for assistance. [read post]
19 Oct 2015, 12:32 pm
& Others | pie-based dispute over "Square".Never Too Late 66 [week ending on Sunday 4 October] – Punitive damages and Enforcement Directive | IFRRO v European Copyright Society | A Decade of JIPLIP, the event | The Global Innovation Index 2015 | South Africa new copyright law | The IPKat and his friends | IP Publishers' and Editors' Lunch 2015 | EPO queue and SMEs | 3D Printing and IP damages | Paywalls and Robin Hoods | The Basmati… [read post]
3 Jan 2016, 1:59 pm by Ron Friedmann
Jarred believes that UpCounsel predominantly targets start-ups, SME, and consumers more than large law firms or law departments, as Crowd & Co is doing. [read post]
26 Jan 2020, 3:21 am
 In Chapter 1, Uma Suthersanen explores the adoption of national laws on utility models as a strategy to promote innovation, especially for SMEs and individual inventors. [read post]
24 Apr 2014, 8:25 am
While IP offices cannot solve every problem, there's plenty they can do -- and free-of-charge searchable design databases fall into this category.OHIM's credoHugh Hansen asked whether the same degree of design creativity and commercial activity would not continue even if there were not a greater level of design protection, since most SME design carries on in situations where the designers don't know of, use or have such protection. [read post]
17 May 2019, 1:00 am
It is described as a “valuable and unique resource which, through its 100 case studies, provides the opportunity to analyse how innovating SMEs obtain finance to commercialise their inventions”. [read post]
9 Oct 2023, 12:54 am by Eleonora Rosati
It should allow designers to control the timing of publication of their designs, in line with their broader design strategy-goals.JTA, a Japanese independent IP-attorneys association, stressed that creators (especially SMEs) are statistically reluctant to act in countries where the designs could be published before they want to release their product onto the market.As the initial text of Rule 6 would not have prevented this situation, the Japanese delegation proposed to eliminate the part… [read post]
13 Mar 2020, 7:24 am by Merpel
 The impact on UK practitioners and businessesJulia Florence commented that the Government’s announcement on the UPC was "extremely disappointing" to the UK patent attorney profession and SMEs. [read post]
24 Aug 2023, 11:42 pm by Florian Mueller
It's also interesting to look at Huawei's differentiated, SME-friendly license terms for the IoT industry. [read post]
21 Mar 2020, 12:10 pm by Florian Mueller
Issues to be considered are the criticized opt-out / opt-in regulations, sound grounds for the compulsory inclusion of European bundle patents, the good, but improvable rules of procedure, the (high) reimbursable attorney fees (which may be prohibitive for SMEs), the renewal fees for the Unitary Patent, as there is no valid reason for subsidizing national budgets via the renewal fee share in the Unitary Patent, just to name the most important ones. [read post]
21 Jun 2016, 12:49 am by Florian Mueller
While I personally know and respect two of the individuals working for that one, I fundamentally disagree with its policy positions and object to its false claim of supporting "innovatives SMEs. [read post]
30 May 2017, 10:33 pm
Kat Eleonora Rosati critically analyses how the new text of the DSM Strategy and its narrow data mining exception could affect start-ups and SMEs and compares the envisaged system with that already in force in the UK.Nestlé loses yet another KitKat battle Roland Mallinson reports on the Court of Appeal decision Nestlé v Cadbury [2017] EWCA Civ 358. [read post]
19 Mar 2015, 8:41 am
However the latter does not cover the same member states, and the first two imply the estimation of ‘an average patent’ which will vary in scope depending on the jurisdiction and sector.While the potential benefits of such a system for SMEs were addressed at length (innovation, competition, etc) the most keenly-awaited feature seems to be the ability to issue an injunction against an infringer across 25 member states in one ruling. [read post]
25 Jul 2012, 12:58 am
Even though many local SMEs supply components to the groups, their direct involvement in exports has been relatively week. [read post]