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12 Jan 2011, 2:28 am by Larry Downes
Part V will review the legal basis on which the majority rests its authority for the rules, likely to be challenged in court. [read post]
1 Feb 2023, 9:01 pm by renholding
Before 1929, all securities markets in the United States were private and thus, dark. [read post]
6 Oct 2020, 8:42 am by Shannon O'Hare
The head of the Spanish state, King Felipe VI, represents the unity and continuity of the state’s institutions. [read post]
For example, under Delaware law and the law of other states, directors may have personal liability for an unlawful share repurchase. [read post]
3 Sep 2013, 1:38 am by Kevin LaCroix
: On August 19, 2013, in connection with its entry into a settlement with New York-based hedge fund adviser Phillip Falcone and his advisory firm Harbinger Capital Partners, the SEC for the first time implemented its new policy requiring defendants seeking to settle civil enforcement actions to admit wrongdoing, in contrast to the long-standing practice of allowing defendants to resolve the enforcement actions with a “neither-admit-nor-deny” settlement. [read post]
14 Jan 2025, 9:01 pm by renholding
As I leave the FDIC, I thought there might be value in sharing some of the lessons of that experience as we head into a period of uncertainty about the future path of financial regulation in the United States and globally. [read post]
” Cunniff states the report’s bottom line as follows: “After an objective analysis, the reviewer concluded that the Sagadahoc County Sheriff’s Office’s responses to concerns about Mr. [read post]
27 Oct 2017, 8:00 am by Legal Beagle
”It can also be revealed the company at the heart of the £80m waste project was managed by a former director of a £400m collapsed hedge fund – Heather Capital.John C Bourbon, a boss of Premier Group (Isle of Man) Ltd, (now in liquidation) which managed and promoted the New Earth Recycling & Renewables (NERR) fund (also bust) recently scored a spectacular success in the Manx High Court. [read post]
26 Jun 2022, 12:28 am by Bill Henderson
  Note that I write this post during the public hearings for the January 6th Commission, which is faithfully documenting an attempted coup of the United States government that would not have been possible without a rampant populist fervor that continues to this day. [read post]
8 Sep 2010, 2:57 am by Kevin LaCroix
: Since January 1, 2008 and through September 3, 2010, 283 banks have failed in the United States, and the total number of failed banks continues to grow. [read post]
14 Feb 2019, 4:44 am by Simon Lovegrove (UK)
The official explanatory statement of the Bill mentions certain examples of the required “close connection” such as (i) hedging transactions, (ii) lifecycle events, (iii) netting transactions, (iv) prolongations or (v) the exercise of contractual option or conversion rights. [read post]
15 Sep 2007, 7:49 pm
April 2004 CanadaAbstractAlthough some studies suggest positive effects of treatment for sexual offenders, most studies have been hampered by the unknown influence of selective attrition (e.g., volunteers and drop-outs). [read post]
6 Jan 2014, 11:20 pm by Kevin LaCroix
Supreme Court’s 1988 decision in Basic, Inc. v. [read post]
2 Jan 2024, 12:56 pm by Kevin LaCroix
Please note that these figures include only federal court securities suit filings; the numbers do not include securities class action lawsuits filed in state court. [read post]
12 Aug 2008, 2:00 pm
Oliveira Ardor New York Senior Broker Associate 2 Gina Berger Lower East End Realty Brokerage - Commercial / Investment Sales 2 Ariel Toledano ant propeties inc Brokerage - Residential 3 Michael Xylas Xylas & Ziccardi, LLP Real Estate Attorney 3 Tracy Mehlman Marcus and Millichap Brokerage - Residential 3 David Hale 50 State Building Advisors Executive Vice President 3 Venecia DeSilva investor 2 John Choi … [read post]
Authors: Ray Giblett, James Morris, Rajaee Rouhani, Stephen Lee, Jeremy Moller, Charles Nugent-Young, Merren Taylor, Timothy Chan, Joshua Kan, Dylan Sault and Steven Li  Welcome to our first wrap up of the year! [read post]