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24 Apr 2024, 4:00 am
The ultimate conclusion I'm referring to, and which goes mostly unstated in Balkin's book, has been uttered by many legal scholars, including Dean Erwin Chemerinsky in his excellent Foreword to the Harvard Law Review way back in 1989 titled "The Vanishing Constitution. [read post]
15 Nov 2016, 7:52 am
Erwin Chemerinsky, Jolene Forman, Allen Hopper, and Sam Kamin explore the federalism conflicts that marijuana legalization creates in this notable article in the UCLA Law Review. [read post]
6 Dec 2024, 4:00 am
In other words, when teaching constitutional law we should not hide from our students what Dean Erwin Chemerinsky wrote in the Harvard Law Review Foreword 35 years ago at a time when abortion was a constitutional right, affirmative action permissible, and no federal court in history had ruled that the Second Amendment provides people an affirmative constitutional right to own guns separate from militia service. [read post]
22 Mar 2023, 4:30 am
I happened to be at a conference with Dean Erwin Chemerinsky when the controversy erupted. [read post]
17 Oct 2010, 12:55 am
I wanted to hear Chemerinsky's take on this doctrine. [read post]
18 Dec 2012, 9:55 am
– Erwin Chemerinsky – UPR Microjuris al Día transmitió la conferencia magistral del decano de la Escuela de Derecho de University of California-Irvine, Erwin Chemerinsky, desde la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. [read post]
17 Feb 2024, 3:39 am
“Standard 208 is a desirable reaffirmation of free-speech principles,” said Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the UC Berkeley School of Law and a leading scholar of constitutional law. [read post]
4 Mar 2011, 6:06 am
” Erwin Chemerinsky, the inaugural dean of the University of California at Irvine School of Law, described law schools as “remarkably resistant to change. [read post]
12 Sep 2022, 5:05 am
Dean Erwin Chemerinsky celebrated that “Justice Sotomayor wrote a dissent, in which she said, ‘Trinity Lutheran v. [read post]
10 Aug 2010, 9:05 am
” In his ruling, Judge Walker took a conservative approach to his findings of law, said Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the law school at the University of California, Irvine. [read post]
14 Sep 2021, 8:24 am
Dean Erwin Chemerinsky’s essay addresses Bush v. [read post]
9 Jan 2019, 1:54 pm
” Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the law school at the University of California, Berkeley, is representing Hyatt. [read post]
13 Nov 2019, 1:10 pm
As Justice Elena Kagan pointed out to Erwin Chemerinsky, who argued on behalf of ESN and NAAAM, the court of appeals ruled that ESN could win its case (rather than simply advancing it) if it could show that “discriminatory intent was a factor” in Comcast’s decision not to enter into a contract with ESN. [read post]
7 Apr 2011, 10:46 am
Although many conservatives (including yours truly) rallied to the defense of Erwin Chemerinsky, I frankly don't expect liberal law professors to rally to Smith's cause. [read post]
19 Apr 2010, 3:58 pm
Ted Kennedy (and which I use as a focal point in my short paper on legal blogs and the Supreme Court confirmation process), as well as the letter opposing John Roberts that was written by Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and signed by 160 lawprofs (which I criticized here). [read post]
31 Mar 2010, 10:43 pm
In other news, UC-Irvine Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky downplayed reports that he had encountered a financial stumbling block in his effort to hire Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to run his school's new family law clinic. [read post]
14 Nov 2019, 5:20 am
Constitutional scholar and attorney for Allen, Erwin Chemerinski, presented an alternative argument that Congress’ broad remedial purpose for enacting the 1866 Civil Rights Act “did not mean to impose a requirement for but-for causation at the pleading or at the prima facie” stages in a lawsuit. [read post]
11 Dec 2023, 5:51 am
Dean Erwin Chemerinsky has determined that putting aside any civil rights considerations, these policies violate the university's all-comers policy. [read post]
3 Aug 2007, 1:50 am
Duke Professor (and program co-chair) Erwin Chemerinsky gave one answer: African-American students need integrated schools in order to have access to the same resources as white students. [read post]
5 Apr 2017, 2:51 am
But legal scholars Catherine Fisk and Erwin Chemerinsky, in a law review article from 1997, took a close look at delaying tactics that dated back to Burr’s time. [read post]