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8 Feb 2010, 12:26 am
S 6765 Last Act: 02/03/10 referred to correctionA9834 Jeffries (MS) -- Relates to the collection of census data Same as S 6725 Last Act: 02/03/10 referred to correctionA9852 Hyer-Spencer -- Creates the crimes of domestic abuse in the first, second and third degrees; creates a judicial diversion program for domestic abuse defendants No Same asLast Act: 02/03/10 referred to codesS6765 FARLEY -- Authorizes the Montgomery county correctional facility to also be used for the detention of… [read post]
3 Aug 2007, 12:35 pm
  In further pursuit of this goal, Gammett obtained a legal name change to Jenniffer Ann Spencer (and henceforth will be identified as she in this discussion of the case). [read post]
7 Jul 2011, 5:11 am by Benjamin Wittes
Wheeler posted: While I often disagree with Benjamin Wittes, I rarely think the stuff he writes is sheer nonsense. [read post]
2 May 2012, 7:15 am by Ilya Somin
Free-market libertarians have been part of the labour movement since the beginning, from the individualist anarchists of the 19th century (including Thomas Hodgskin, Benjamin Tucker, Lysander Spooner, Ezra Heywood, Francis Tandy, Dyer Lum, Voltairine de Cleyre, and even to some extent Herbert Spencer, Gustave de Molinari, and Wordsworth Donisthorpe)….. [read post]
5 Dec 2011, 6:30 am by Joshua Matz
”  Daniel Fisher of Forbes and Jim Spencer of the Minneapolis Star Tribune also preview the case. [read post]
13 Sep 2010, 6:06 am
And six months ago we had Benjamin Backstrom dying from a gunshot wound near Norwalk, Iowa. [read post]
3 Dec 2022, 12:01 am by rhapsodyinbooks
George Tucker and Spencer Roane; future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall; and future Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Bushrod Washington. [read post]
10 Aug 2006, 11:52 am
Only Adlai Stevenson in my memory can rank with the kind of fluency one got, or gets, from the likes of Abba Eban, Benjamin Netanyahu or one of the interviewees, Dore Gold. [read post]
30 Nov 2011, 11:02 am by Clark Stewart
Sure we'd love a billboard on every corner and a thirty second spot during primetime, but the Benjamins just ain't there! [read post]