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18 Mar 2004, 12:24 pm
In Thursday's rights and liberties news, AP reports that the National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union have rallied to the defense of Utah mother Melissa Ann Rowland, charged with murdering her unborn child by refusing a C-section. [read post]
31 Jan 2009, 2:22 am
The four groups, Human Rights Watch (HRW), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Amnesty [read post]
30 Sep 2011, 8:11 am
[JURIST] The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) [official website], along with several other rights groups and physicians, filed a lawsuit [complaint, PDF] on Thursday challenging a North Carolina law [HB 854 materials] that requires abortion providers to show women ultrasounds prior to performing abortions. [read post]
26 Jul 2010, 12:11 pm
[JURIST] The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Human Rights Watch (HRW) [advocacy websites] on Monday called on the US government to provide greater protection for those with mental disabilities in the US immigration system. [read post]
24 Jun 2015, 12:57 pm
Human rights groups Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union [advocacy websites] on Tuesday issued a joint letter [text] to the US Department of Justice (DOJ) calling for the creation of a special prosecutor to investigate claims that Central Intelligence Agency agents used torture against detainees held at Guantanamo Bay prison and elsewhere. [read post]
NEW ACLU PHONE APP lets you record the cops. ‘The New York chapter of the American Civil Liberties …
8 Jun 2012, 3:29 pm
. ‘The New York chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union has released an Android application allowing mobile-phone users to easily capture police patdowns on video, which is then automatically uploaded to the rights group’s servers.” Well, I think you have a constitutional right to do that. [read post]
2 Jul 2023, 9:30 pm
We have word from Ananda Burra, ML Munjal University, that the Capital Punishment Project of the American Civil Liberties Union is seeking “lawyers with a serious history background and a serious litigation background,” who can help the ACLU connect “to historian networks and to assist in civil litigation and expert development. [read post]
24 Sep 2019, 9:30 pm
Lastly, Conlin reminds us that many of the debates that divide Americans today were present in the 1850s: minority rights vs. majority rule, original intent vs. a living Constitution, state's rights vs. federal supremacy, judicial activism vs. legislative prerogative, secession vs. union, and counter-majoritarianism vs. democracy.A few blurbs:‘The Constitutional Origins of the American Civil War is a must-read for anyone… [read post]
22 Sep 2010, 8:03 am
[JURIST] The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania (ACLU-PA) and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) [advocacy websites] on Monday filed a federal lawsuit [press release] against the city of Pittsburgh, Police Chief Nathan Harper and more than 15 police officers on behalf of 25 people arrested during the September 2009 Group of 20 (G-20) Summit [official website; JURIST news archive]. [read post]
17 Jul 2019, 6:09 am
The American Civil Liberties Union and Southern Poverty Law Center filed a lawsuit Tuesday on behalf of refugee resettlement organizations and civil rights centers in California against Attorney General William Barr and Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin K. [read post]
11 Jun 2022, 8:40 am
The American Civil Liberties Union, whose advocacy on reproductive rights is of more than a half-century vintage, recently tweeted its alarm about the precarious state of legal abortion:“Abortion bans disproportionately harm: Black Indigenous and other people of color. [read post]
23 Apr 2010, 4:37 pm
Schwarzenegger has thrown his support behind a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union against Los Angeles Unified School District, in addition to endorsing Republican-authored legislation aimed at giving school districts more authority to fire teachers. [read post]
25 Oct 2009, 3:52 am
[JURIST] Amnesty International USA, the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch [advocacy websites] on Friday turned down an opportunity to tour the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay [JURIST news archive], citing lack of access to detainees. [read post]
14 Apr 2010, 10:37 am
[JURIST] The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Human Rights Watch (HRW) [advocacy websites] on Wednesday called on the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) [official website] to end prison segregation based on HIV status [press release]. [read post]
4 May 2009, 1:02 pm
Although I address the distinction between marriage and civil unions elsewhere in the chapter, I think the arguments against the pending Illinois civil union bill are the same ones standardly made against same-sex marriage. [read post]
12 Jun 2007, 7:40 pm
The lawsuit filed by the Native American Rights Fund and the American Civil Liberties Union... [read post]
11 Sep 2008, 5:39 pm
The American Civil Liberties Union is pleased to inform you that we have created a public education Booklet entitled Know Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement. [read post]
16 Aug 2011, 8:54 am
From the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights: The American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU-NC), the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area (Lawyers' Committee), and Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati (WSGR) yesterday filed a... [read post]
14 Jan 2016, 11:12 am
TaylorVacant4Ex-Officio Members (6):Director of the Division on Civil Rights: J. [read post]
13 Mar 2014, 7:45 am
To assist in the review of U.S. compliance with the covenant’s privacy protections, the American Civil Liberties Union today released a report, “Privacy in the Digital Age,” which interprets how Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights should protect privacy in an age where technology enables mass surveillance. [read post]