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12 Aug 2015, 11:58 am by Brian Galbraith
If you are able, try to do a bit of reading online to familiarize yourself with some of the issues that may apply in your situation. [read post]
21 Jul 2010, 11:52 am by Steve Hall
Today's Guardian reports, "Novel approach: reading courses as an alternative to prison," by Anna Barker.With one of the highest incarceration rates in the world, and the death penalty, the US state of Texas seems the last place to embrace a liberal-minded alternative to prison. [read post]
25 May 2012, 10:45 am by pfurey
As our recent infographic makes clear, with women underrepresented at the top and overrepresented at the bottom of the income scale, increasing the minimum wage is critical to women: read more [read post]
27 May 2014, 12:35 pm by Lisa A. Mazzie
After many, many months, I finally finished Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, a book I finished just to say that I finished it. [read post]
1 May 2011, 8:00 am by Steven
Yet the bookstore is thriving at a time when once-booming corporate models such as Borders have closed like unread copies of “Anna Karenina. [read post]
20 Sep 2024, 7:22 am by Rick Hasen
This spring, the … Continue reading The post “Will the Supreme Court Revive the Dangerous Fringe Election Theory It Just Rejected? [read post]
8 Aug 2023, 7:14 am by Allan Blutstein
ToldBy Anna Scott Farrell, Law360, Aug. 7, 2023The IRS was right to withhold its techniques for questioning fraud suspects from a retired Harvard law professor's records request under the Freedom of Information Act, the U.S. government argued Monday,...Read more here (accessible with free registration) Underlying case information is here. [read post]
12 Dec 2019, 7:40 am by willcanderson
Aziz Huq Discusses the Two Articles of Impeachment Announced Against President Trump (Audio) willcanderson Thu, 12/12/2019 - 09:40 Read more about Aziz Huq Discusses the Two Articles of Impeachment Announced Against President Trump (Audio) The 21st Show Christine Herman Anna Casey Libby Foster Julian Hayda President Trump Illinois Law Experts Break Down The Latest Impeachment Developments [read post]
13 May 2010, 1:29 pm
A recent article in theTacoma News Tribune about celebrity estates makes for some interesting reading. [read post]
5 Sep 2024, 9:04 am by Rick Hasen
David Gans, Brianne Gorod, and Anna Jessurun have posted this draft on SSRN (forthcoming, Boston College Law Review). [read post]
22 Nov 2017, 9:50 am by centerforartlaw
Anna Rubin, Director of Holocaust Claims Processing Office. [read post]