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19 Mar 2017, 8:58 am
Notwithstanding the absence of empirical evidences, it would be naïve to assume that SWFs never make politicized capital allocations. [read post]
14 Oct 2007, 5:22 am
Nestle Waters North America, Inc. [read post]
5 Jul 2010, 11:42 am
On the issue before the house, I suspect he is a more subtle and penetrating figure than the more popular Milton Friedman (Friedman gets the medal in the banking division, however). [read post]
12 Apr 2013, 12:30 pm
See Stearns Bank NA. v. [read post]
12 Jun 2011, 1:11 am
So, I’m sure you’ve heard, the Treasury Department announced that would be suspending incentive payments provided to the three largest mortgage hampsters under HAMP until they get their acts together… Bank of America, Chase and Wells Fargo will not be receiving checks that add up to millions of dollars each month, until they can show that they [read post]
12 Oct 2017, 8:24 am
Kuznick, Beyond the Laboratory: Scientists as Political Activists in 1930’s America 121 (1987). 5 Hermann J. [read post]
13 Jan 2016, 3:39 pm
See Bank of America, NA v. [read post]
19 Nov 2010, 1:55 pm
Maybe I was naïve to think that getting their butts tossed out of Congress, the remaining Dems would rise up and realize that allowing the banks to abuse tens of millions of homeowners isn’t good politics. [read post]
25 Mar 2012, 2:19 pm
PNC BANK, NA, as successor by merger to National City Bank, NA, as successor by merger to Fidelity Federal Bank & Trust, Appellee. 4th District.Criminal law -- Aliens -- Illegal reentry after felony -- Illegal reentry after conviction of false representation -- Sentencing -- Federal guidelines -- No error in imposing 16-level enhancement for prior conviction of crime of violence based on prior conviction for resisting officer with violence in… [read post]
7 Sep 2012, 5:52 am
And today, the United States of America is less dependent on foreign oil than at any time in nearly two decades.Now you have a choice - between a strategy that reverses this progress, or one that builds on it. [read post]
11 Jan 2008, 1:07 pm
Who managed, with her husband, to convert one of America's greatest businesses, the Presidency, into a fortune of about 40 or 50 million dollars. [read post]
2 Apr 2011, 5:28 pm
” (These numbers have barely changed since the 2009 bailouts and nationalizations of Citibank and Bank of America). [read post]
22 Aug 2017, 1:29 pm
It is more than 12 times the size of the Marshall Plan, America’s post-World War II initiative to aid the reconstruction of Western Europe’s devastated economies. [read post]
1 Nov 2024, 11:22 am
the UAE, Qatar, and Norway), Luxembourg (tiny city state that specializes in banking), Ireland …. and Switzerland! [read post]
2 Feb 2016, 1:15 pm
Norges Bank has decided to place Petroleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) under observation because of the risk of severe corruption. [read post]
26 May 2015, 8:19 am
Naïve: didn’t know what expected to happen when notified manufacturer, but believed it would involve discussion and perhaps repairs and mitigations we developed. [read post]
29 Feb 2024, 3:28 pm
Concisely, a dominant current critique is that naïve U.S. elites (academic, business, and policy) confused their hopes for democracy and a globally responsible China with the actual prospects for those desirable ends and, in the process, unwisely traded away American interests, competitive position, values, and national security. [read post]
13 Sep 2011, 5:11 pm
This check was writen on a UST Development account at Chase Bank. [read post]
15 Jul 2013, 2:18 am
For example, in a February 5, 2013 order in the SunTrust Banks securities suit, in which Northern District of Georgia Judge William S. [read post]
26 Nov 2012, 9:01 pm
Workplace Harassment Law: The Basics In the landmark case of Meritor Savings Bank v. [read post]