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18 Dec 2006, 4:04 am
Blawg Review #88 is up at David Harlow's HealthBlawg with a mention and link to the Healthcare Blogging Summit.David, very nicely composed. [read post]
7 Apr 2008, 9:35 am
In the wake of my exercises in plunder and mockery, David Harlow of HealthBlawg is doing his part to restore the institutional respectability of Blawg Review in the most effective manner possible: by hosting a thorough and informative (and yes, entertaining) new edition: Blawg Review #154. [read post]
7 Apr 2008, 9:35 am
In the wake of my exercises in plunder and mockery, David Harlow of HealthBlawg is doing his part to restore the institutional respectability of Blawg Review in the most effective manner possible: by hosting a thorough and informative (and yes, entertaining) new edition: Blawg Review #154. [read post]
13 Dec 2007, 5:53 am
Check out the final 2007 edition of Health Wonk Review, a round up of the best health policy blog posts, hosted by fellow health law blogger, David Harlow at HealthBlawg.Check out the Health Wonk Review blog for more information on how to be a host. [read post]
24 Jan 2008, 10:09 pm
Fellow health law blogger, David Harlow, hangs with the Health 2.0 crowd at the Northeast Corridor Health 2.0 shindig in Cambridge. [read post]
4 Oct 2011, 11:49 am by David Harlow
  Health 2.0 Fall 2011 vlog with David Harlow aka HealthBlawg Of course, I was not the only person walking around with a video camera; I was caught here at the end of the Health 2.0 pre-conferences, emphasizing my hope that Health 2.0 innovations will increasingly be enabled to communicate with each other and with other platforms so that information collected or generated through use of these tools can be aggregated, analyzed, and actually used by patients, caregivers and… [read post]
29 Jul 2009, 8:07 pm
  We discussed the issues last week, and he quoted me briefly in his article.David HarlowThe Harlow Group LLCHealth Care Law and Consulting [read post]
12 Dec 2007, 5:45 pm
David Harlow, who hosted Blawg Review #88 last year, as well as Blawg Review #129 this year, is now hosting Health Wonk Review at Healthblawg.Health Wonk Review is a biweekly compendium of the best of the health policy blogs. [read post]
8 Oct 2007, 6:10 am
David Harlow of HealthBlawg takes to the keyboard like Columbus took to the seas and explores the world of law in Blawg Review #129. [read post]
12 Apr 2008, 10:27 am
Wes rounds up the best of the med blogs with a very stylish Grand Rounds;Blawg Review # 154 is up at David Harlow's HealthBlawg, with a theme of World Health Day;Scott Greenfield ponders if an ethical violation occurred with Rusty Hardin, regarding the Roger Clemens steroid scandal and his breaking the attorney-client privilege; andChinese government goons attack a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil for expressing her First Amendment rights (Legal Satyricon) [read post]