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30 Sep 2008, 8:05 pm
Brotherhood of Railway Clerks (1984) and Lehnert v. [read post]
22 Jul 2008, 2:46 pm
State Senator Rodney Ellis and Texas Southern University Law prof Mike Jackson have an OpEd in today's Houston Chronicle, "Perry has chance to show another side of Texas justice. [read post]
6 Aug 2019, 9:30 am by [email protected]
County officials agreed with the move in late July, in a case Commissioner Rodney Ellis said was “as big as Brown v. [read post]
6 Aug 2019, 9:30 am by [email protected]
County officials agreed with the move in late July, in a case Commissioner Rodney Ellis said was “as big as Brown v. [read post]
16 Aug 2010, 8:55 am
  Unsurprisingly, DirecTV filed its petition for panel rehearing or rehearing en banc on August 9th, seeking rehearing of the Cappuccitti v. [read post]
12 Jan 2009, 4:41 pm
  Denying the government's motion to revoke Madoff's bail based on his alleged dissipation of assets while on release in United States v. [read post]
8 Jul 2016, 3:19 am by INFORRM
The EU uses different methods to pass on its decisions to Member States. [read post]
17 Nov 2010, 8:34 am by Steve Hall
"Public defenders for Texans of the Year," is the title of an OpEd by State Senator Rodney Ellis in today's Dallas Morning News. [read post]
7 Sep 2021, 1:08 pm by Angie Gou
EDT, the National Conference of State Legislatures will host a webinar examining two cases from the 2020 term with significant implications for elections, Brnovich v. [read post]
27 Oct 2008, 9:39 pm
United States (06-6911), and as amicus supporting petitioners in Warner-Lambert v. [read post]
10 May 2012, 2:58 am by webmaster
  Guido, No. 2:11-cv-01067 at *4, n.4 (citing Ellis v. [read post]
1 Dec 2006, 7:41 am
Reasoning that the "entire aim of the suit is to prove the existence of state secrets," Judge Ellis held that the complaint had to be dismissed in light of the privilege. [read post]
28 Jul 2011, 5:14 am by Ted Frank
The Wall Street Journal reports that Jay Lefkowitz of Kirkland & Ellis, who successfully argued that federal law requires preemption of state failure-to-warn claims for generic drugs, given the lack of discretion that such generics have, in Pliva v. [read post]
10 Oct 2012, 9:11 am by WIMS
Appealed from the United States District Court for the District of Idaho. [read post]