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2 Nov 2018, 11:13 am
"Now I've quoted Apple's statement before showing it (this post continues below the document): 18-10-31 ITC 337-TA-1065 Apple Pub Int Stmt by Florian Mueller on ScribdApart from footnote 1 (quoted above the document), a couple of aspects of Apple's filing are worth highlighting:Apple attributes to Qualcomm's "anticompetitive practices" the fact that "in the past decade, multiple U.S. baseband chipset suppliers--including Broadcom, Marvell,… [read post]
5 Aug 2019, 2:51 am
A 'Notice of letter to court' filed by Nokia that contains the decision and an English translation thereof has been made available by Florian Mueller of FOSS Patents here.The proceedings between Nokia, Daimler and ContinentalNokia holds a portfolio of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) relating to communication standards. [read post]
8 Oct 2019, 12:01 pm
So timing could become a bigger issue should Conti, after a successful appeal in Munich (a Happy Halloween scenario for Conti), seek to broaden the scope of the order they're seeking.This is an interesting procedural twist, and should I find anything worth highlighting after a closer look (so far I've looked at those documents only cursorily), I may do a follow-up post, though chances are that some sort of a decision--even if just a procedural order--will come down before I even get… [read post]
21 Mar 2021, 8:24 am
"Finally, the opening and rebuttal opinions by Epic's primary expert on platform economics, David Evans, also place great emphasis on "the competitive effects of Apple's foreclosure of alternative channels of iOS app distribution":376-8 David Evans Opening O... by Florian Mueller376-9 David Evans Rebuttal ... by Florian Mueller Follow @FOSSpatents Share with other professionals via LinkedIn: Share| [read post]
13 Oct 2011, 11:49 am
Noted patent blogger Florian Mueller calls the ruling “a posthumous triumph for the late Steve Jobs” as it appears to prevent all Android smartphones and tablets from all companies from launching in Australia. [read post]
5 Jan 2012, 9:00 pm
Johnson & Johnson. 2) Foss Patents: Thanks to Apple's flawed litigation strategy, HTC has nothing to fear until March 2013 (in the US) - This post outlines what Florian Mueller considers to be tactical missteps by Apple's litigation team when dealing with Motorola, Samsung, Nokia, and HTC. 3) Patently-O: 2011 Patent Grants: A New Record - This post highlights the banner year the USPTO had in 2011 as more patents were granted in 2011 than any other year in history. [read post]
5 Jan 2012, 9:00 pm
Johnson & Johnson. 2) Foss Patents: Thanks to Apple's flawed litigation strategy, HTC has nothing to fear until March 2013 (in the US) - This post outlines what Florian Mueller considers to be tactical missteps by Apple's litigation team when dealing with Motorola, Samsung, Nokia, and HTC. 3) Patently-O: 2011 Patent Grants: A New Record - This post highlights the banner year the USPTO had in 2011 as more patents were granted in 2011 than any other year in history. [read post]
14 Dec 2022, 12:45 am
— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) December 13, 2022 Some people's fundamental misconception is to argue that a restriction of choice by Apple constitutes consumer choice. [read post]
25 Mar 2023, 12:54 am
The console-related part of Microsoft's remedy offer to the CMA is no longer needed:GAME OVERfor the console market theory of harm— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) March 24, 2023 It all comes down to cloud gaming, where the fact that Microsoft has already concluded multiple access deals (with Nvidia, Boosteroid, and Ubitus) must be given considerable weight. [read post]
29 Dec 2010, 1:21 pm
" "If any of those infringement assertions against Android [are] true, this can spell trouble for makers of Android-based devices, and for Android application developers," wrote FOSS Patent's Florian Mueller. [read post]
6 Apr 2022, 10:14 pm
Joe Mueller made it even clearer that Apple wants the Texas court to determine the rate, and that his client would enter into a license agreement on that basis:JOE MUELLER (FOR APPLE): "I'll try to be as clear as I possibly can be on this point because it is crucial. [read post]
5 Jul 2012, 8:21 am
Florian Mueller, in a posting on his FOSS Patents blog, has suggested that the UK ruling ‘will have some relevance … in Australia’. [read post]
11 May 2010, 10:12 pm
People who are none too fond of software patents and their impact on the world of open source, as well as those who take a keen interest in the arguments of their opponents, will enjoy FOSS Patents, a clearly presented blog by software developer Florian Mueller, founder of the somewhat less elegant NoSoftwarePatents campaign.The IPKat failed to spot the public consultation taking place regarding the possible protection in the European Union of four geographical indications from… [read post]
1 Jun 2011, 5:51 am
According to Florian Mueller at FOSS Patents, the reason for this is: “The only way I understand Lodsys’s claim that it needed “to preserve its legal options” is presumably that Lodsys feared Apple might seek declaratory judgment of non-infringement in a different jurisdiction than East Texas, the troll-friendly venue Lodsys chose (as I expected). [read post]
30 Nov 2019, 8:55 am
Despite my apprehensions regarding anything Soros funds, I did find a few good passages in the "Open Markets" (again, they're about the opposite most of the time) Institute's brief (this post continues below the document):19-11-27 Open Markets Insti... by Florian Mueller on ScribdWhat I consider hyperbole in that "Open Markets" Institute brief is the emphasis on "deception" ("bait and switch") as the type of antitrust violation at… [read post]
29 Nov 2019, 8:08 am
This week, amicus curiae briefs in support of the FTC are due, with industry sources expecting a dozen or more submissions, and Professor Jorge Contreras (University of Utah) was first to file (this post continues below the document):19-11-26 Jorge Contreras Acb by Florian Mueller on ScribdProfessor Contreras is not only a lawyer but also understands technology very well. [read post]
1 Dec 2019, 7:09 am
Those two briefs explain the issues very well, and they drive home a number of points on outcome-determinative legal questions (this post continues below the two documents):19-11-29 Intel acb by Florian Mueller on Scribd19 11 29 MediaTek Acb by Florian Mueller on ScribdGiven that those two companies have a similar perspective--Intel was forced out of the market for premium modem chips by Qualcomm, and MediaTek succeeded against Qualcomm at the lower end of the… [read post]
17 May 2023, 1:49 am
— Florian Mueller (@FOSSpatents) May 15, 2023 The CMA must realize that what it is doing is viewed unfavorably by far more people than the ones who support the agency. [read post]
Apple and Samsung will try to avoid fourth California patent trial: court-moderated settlement talks
11 Sep 2015, 2:19 pm
In a joint case management statement filed in the Northern District of California late on Friday by local time, both parties have responded favorably to Judge Koh's recent inquiry about their willingness to engage in yet another mediation effort.Here's the document, from which I'll then quote the relevant statements on alternative dispute resolution: 15-09-11 Apple-Samsung Joint Case Management Statement by Florian Mueller"Apple's Statement: The remaining… [read post]
21 Apr 2017, 6:57 am
Trump, urging him to shield the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) from political interference that could derail the ongoing antitrust litigation in the Northern District of California against Qualcomm (this post continues below the document): 17-04-20 Multi-Stakeholder SEP White House Letter by Florian Mueller on ScribdThe letter was signed by two industry associations--ACT | The App Association (whose sponsor members include Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, Facebook, AT&T and others)… [read post]