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11 Sep 2008, 5:42 pm
@Riskin - Gerry Riskin, lawyer/consultant... [read post]
4 Sep 2008, 3:01 pm
From my friend Gerry Riskin comes a link to this Report on Fee Setting for Professionals. [read post]
15 Aug 2008, 11:18 pm
Zach Scruggs' sentence begins August 25 - Portland attorney David Rossmiller of Dunn Carney in the firm's Insurance Coverage Law Blog The one piece of advice you need to get the fees you deserve - EDGE International's Gerry Riskin at his blog, Amazing Firms, Amazing Practices Can General Counsel can litigation costs? [read post]
2 Jul 2008, 2:37 pm
" Gerry Riskin saying better service is a bad thing? [read post]
23 May 2008, 11:33 am
Heintz of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur in the firm's Nanotechnology Law Report Renfroe seeks inquiry into whether new Katrina counsel associated with Scruggs, KLG - Portland attorney David Rossmiller of Dunn Carney in the firm's Insurance Coverage Law Blog An overview of trade secrets law - Pennsylvania lawyer Michael Cassidy of Tucker Arensberg in the firm's Med Law Blog Start of the summer season: HR topics to ponder now before they arise - Hartford attorney Daniel… [read post]
23 May 2008, 4:00 am
Amazing Firms, Amazing Practices, Gerry Riskin CBA Practice Link (Canada) Church of the Customer Blog, Ben McConnell & Jackie Huba CustomersAreAlways, Maria Palma David Jacobson’s External Insights, David Jacobson Blog, Malcolm Gladwell Golden Practices, Michelle Golden Gruntled Employees, Jay Shepherd How To Change The World, Guy Kawasaki Human Law, Justin Patten In Search of Perfect Client Service, Patrick J. [read post]
29 Apr 2008, 10:06 pm
As consultant and lawyer Gerry Riskin has noted "You can't superplease everyone at the same time. [read post]
26 Apr 2008, 11:00 pm
Ever since Gerry Riskin wrote his "Doom and Gloom" post last August, I have been paying much closer attention to the economy that I have before, especially to the factors Gerry highlighted in his post. [read post]
26 Apr 2008, 10:37 am
(Click here for a discussion of BulletProofing, a Gerry Riskin term that is more important than ever in today's difficult economic times.) [read post]
22 Apr 2008, 10:00 pm
A few months ago, a number of influential legal bloggers wrote to warn of a coming legal downturn, including Gerry Riskin, Larry Bodine, and Pat Lamb. [read post]
21 Apr 2008, 7:11 am
Gerry Riskin, David Maister and Mike Myatt all have featured us in posts. [read post]
15 Apr 2008, 9:12 am
”(Thanks to Gerry Riskin for drawing my attention to this firm) [read post]
15 Apr 2008, 9:12 am
”(Thanks to Gerry Riskin for drawing my attention to this firm) [read post]
28 Mar 2008, 10:29 am
In August, Gerry Riskin wrote his prediction that Doom and Gloom was in our future. [read post]
15 Mar 2008, 10:53 am
Role of emotions in saving for retirement - Financial risk manager Susan Mangiero of Pension Governance in her blog, Pension Risk Matters Answer your outsourcing questions - Edge International's Gerry Riskin in his blog, Amazing Firms, Amazing Practices A year after the webcasting royalty decision - no settlement, appeal briefs filed - Washington, D.C. attorney David Oxenford of Davis Wright Tremaine in the firm's Broadcast Law Blog … [read post]
13 Feb 2008, 10:34 am
Not so much - the blogging lawyers & attorneys at McGlinchey Stafford in the firm's CAFA Law Blog Don't let your "winning streak" become a "losing streak" - Edge International's Gerry Riskin in his blog Amazing Firms, Amazing Practices .300 won't get you into the Employment Law Hall of Fame - Iowa attorney Rush Nigut of Sullivan & Ward in his blog, Rush on Business What it takes to be a great trial… [read post]
12 Feb 2008, 10:00 pm
Long-time readers of this blog know that Gerry Riskin is one of the bloggers I quote most often, and he is always ahead of the curve. [read post]
6 Feb 2008, 3:00 am
" Here's how Patrick sees it: Last August, Gerry Riskin predicted bad times were ahead for the profession, using the terms doom and gloom. [read post]
3 Feb 2008, 5:55 pm
I’m one of the contributors, along with a host of other legal bloggers, including: Stephanie West Allen Larry Bodine Carolyn Elefant Jim Hassett Daniel Hull Dennis Kennedy Patrick Lamb Susan Cartier Liebel Ed Poll Gerry Riskin [read post]
1 Feb 2008, 11:31 am
One of my favorite bloggers is Gerry Riskin over at the Amazing Firms Amazing Practices blog. [read post]