Search for: "Hamilton v. United States of America" Results 101 - 120 of 321
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9 Oct 2020, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
If we could put the whole American body politic behind such a veil and ask them to create a new mechanism for the selection of a president, would they not be driven to adopt the mode of election that most readers of this symposium likely prefer: a national popular vote, to be conducted in a single constituency (let’s call it the collective United States of America, as opposed to fifty electorally autonomous states and the District of Columbia), with a… [read post]
26 Apr 2017, 9:01 pm by Marci A. Hamilton
For example, in many law schools, the sky was falling when United States v. [read post]
7 Jul 2021, 9:01 pm by Marci A. Hamilton
The United States actually had a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals before it had one for children, so this is no mean feat! [read post]
28 Jun 2013, 8:08 am by Allison Trzop
Briefly: At PrawfsBlawg, Will Baude covers United States v. [read post]
27 Jul 2024, 5:58 am by Just Security
International Court of Justice: Israel – Palestine International Court of Justice’s Call on All States to End Israel’s Occupation and Find a Path to Peace by Binaifer Nowrojee (@NowrojeeOSF) A Synopsis of ICJ Finding Israel’s Occupation of Palestinian Territory in Violation of International Law by Sang-Min Kim (@SangMinKim0) and Audrey Balliette United Nations What the Draft UN “Pact for the Future” Tells Us About International Insecurity by… [read post]
28 Nov 2012, 9:01 pm by Marci A. Hamilton
On November 19, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit considered a case that is at the heart of the cultural struggle over entitlements for religious organizations: Bronx Household of Faith v. [read post]
15 Jun 2009, 7:07 am
(in support of petitioners) Brief amicus curiae of Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America (in support of petitioners) [read post]
10 Sep 2018, 6:25 am by petrocohen
  Almost 150,000 judges and lawyers across the United States have participated in the American Inns of Court program. [read post]
14 May 2014, 9:01 pm by Marci A. Hamilton
Hobby Lobby’s interpretation that it does would open the floodgates to exempt every business owner in the United States from the anti-discrimination laws, because there is no real middle ground. [read post]
2 Apr 2014, 9:01 pm by Marci A. Hamilton
Hamilton is a professor of law at Cardozo School of Law, and the author of Justice Denied: What America Must Do to Protect Its Children, which was just published in paperback with a new Preface. [read post]
17 May 2011, 9:47 am by Lovechilde
Board of Education - one of the most important decisions ever handed down by the United States Supreme Court - illuminating the way forward. [read post]
20 Jun 2023, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
But it has often played a similar role in historical writing on the United States after the Revolution, and especially in historical writing on federalism. [read post]