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26 Mar 2012, 12:41 pm
"It is important to know if any type of drug can prove dangerous for the mother and/or fetus during pregnancy," said Howard Law, PC Founder and Anaheim dangerous drug attorney Vincent Howard. [read post]
17 Feb 2012, 5:31 pm
"Property owners are responsible for making sure that their premises are safe for residents, visitors, and patrons," said Howard Law PC Partner and Anaheim personal injury lawyer Vincent Howard. [read post]
18 Jan 2012, 9:51 am
To schedule your free case evaluation, contact Howard Law, PC and ask to speak with Newport Beach Injury Attorney Vincent Howard. [read post]
31 Dec 2011, 1:38 pm
"A pharmaceutical company's failure to warn of possible health risks from taking any medication can be grounds for a California products liability lawsuit," said Howard Law, PC partner and Anaheim dangerous drug lawyer Vincent Howard. [read post]
11 May 2012, 3:08 pm
"At Howard Law, PC, we know how tough it can be to suffer catastrophic injuries or lose someone you love because of an Orange County, California traffic crash," said Santa Ana car accident attorney Vincent Howard. [read post]
16 Mar 2012, 2:28 pm
" "Trees can pose a danger to motorists and pedestrians if they are not properly maintained," said Howard Law, PC and Newport Beach wrongful death lawyer Vincent Howard. [read post]
31 May 2012, 8:44 pm
Howard Law, PC has seen the catastrophic consequences that can result and we are here to help victims recover the damages that they are owed," said Riverside County pedestrian accident lawyer Vincent Howard. [read post]
25 May 2012, 7:01 pm
At Howard Law, PC, Anaheim drowning accident lawyer Vincent Howard and his team represents the families of children that have suffered serious injuries or died from drowning. [read post]
28 May 2012, 7:15 pm
In Orange County, Los Angeles County, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County, Howard Law, PC partner and Anaheim Yasmin/Yaz lawyer Vincent Howard would be happy to offer you a free case evaluation to find out whether you have grounds for a case against Bayer. [read post]
21 Jun 2012, 3:48 pm
If you or someone you love was injured in a Los Angeles tire blowout accident that you believe was caused by the negligence of the vehicle/tire manufacturer or the driver, please contact Howard Law, PC today to request your free case evaluation. [read post]
28 Feb 2012, 7:18 pm
"Doctors must exercise care that they don't overprescribe, under prescribe, or prescribe the wrong medication to a patient," said Howard Law, PC Partner and Los Angeles Medical Malpractice Attorney Vincent Howard. [read post]
12 Jan 2012, 2:40 pm
"Orange County, California medical negligence can have fatal consequences," said Howard Law, PC partner and Anaheim medical malpractice attorney Vincent Howard. [read post]
20 Jan 2012, 4:38 pm
"Plastic surgery, like any other surgery, is a procedure to be taken seriously--even done when for cosmetic purposes," says Howard Law, PC partner and Anaheim medical malpractice attorney Vincent Howard. [read post]
20 Jul 2012, 4:57 pm
Along with the rest of the nation, Anaheim premises liability lawyer Vincent Howard has been watching the aftermath of this horror story as it unfolds, and his sympathies, along with that of his Southern California injury firm, Howard Law, PC, go out to the victims and their loved ones. [read post]
27 Jan 2012, 7:46 pm
"Even if you've been charged or convicted for a crime, you are entitled to certain rights and protections while in police custody or behind bars," said Howard Law, PC and Anaheim personal injury lawyer Vincent Howard. [read post]
28 Jun 2012, 9:58 pm
In Orange County, California, Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, and Riverside County, Howard Law, PC represents traffic crash victims and their families that have been injured because of other's negligence. [read post]
22 Feb 2012, 7:53 pm
"Bullying can cause psychological, emotional, and physical injury," said Howard Law PC Partner and Los Angeles child injury lawyer Vincent Howard. [read post]
29 Dec 2011, 8:50 pm
"Texting while driving or using a handheld cell phone to make/take a call places not just the distracted driver but also endangers the other people in the vehicle, the occupants of other autos, pedestrians, and bicyclists, said Howard Law, PC partner and Anaheim car accident lawyer Vincent Howard. [read post]