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5 Oct 2020, 10:40 am by Jeremy T. Rosenblum
  The motion follows the filing of an Amended Complaint by the trade groups focused on the Rule’s payments provisions and the filing of an Answer to the Amended Complaint by the CFPB. [read post]
4 Feb 2013, 5:01 pm by oliver randl
A “fresh case” had been generated by placing this new subject-matter even before the subject-matter [of the patent] as maintained in the ranking of the requests, which was inadmissible in view of the case law of the Enlarged Board of appeal (EBA), and in particular decisions G 9/91 and G 10/91.[7.2] In principle it is within the discretionary power of the Board to admit late filed amendments of the requests of a party. [read post]
24 Mar 2011, 12:27 pm by Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
Employers Urged To Tighten Disability Related Discrimination Risk Management Employers should review and update their existing employment and employee benefit practices in response to updated regulations (Final Regulations) governing the disability discrimination rules of the Americans With Disabilities Act as amended by the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) will publish in the Friday, March 25, 2011 Federal Register. [read post]
23 Sep 2011, 10:52 am
With an eye to cutting the cost and time of complex arbitration matters, the International Chamber of Commerce has released a revised version of its rules of to better serve businesses and governments engaged in international commerce and investment.Jason Fry, secretary general of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, was in Toronto yesterday to provide the legal community with an overview of the changes to the rules of ICC arbitration, which come into force Jan.… [read post]
26 Feb 2007, 10:22 am
Cliff Shnier, Aon Consulting: First, these are amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and are therefore only applicable to matters in the federal courts. [read post]
22 Jul 2016, 9:12 am by Jason Schendel
  Rule 4-08(k)(l) of Regulation S-X (as well as Item 404 of Regulation S-K) mandates identification of related party transactions, while Accounting Standards Codification 850-10-50-1 requires much of the same disclosure under GAAP. [read post]
23 Nov 2010, 9:47 pm by Sean Hayes
The same shall also apply in case where he/she amends such rules: 1. [read post]
On January 10, the CFPB published a report containing the results of its assessment of the Ability-to-Repay and Qualified Mortgage Rule (“ATR/QM Rule”) issued in 2013. [read post]
10 Oct 2023, 9:01 pm by renholding
Although better than the proposed rule,[1] the final beneficial ownership reporting rule continues to rest on flawed economics. [read post]
9 Mar 2009, 6:35 am
The proposed amendments to NYSE Rule 452 would remove uncontested board elections from the list of "routine" matters where brokers can vote client shares if they don't receive instructions within 10 days of a company's annual meeting. [read post]
21 Mar 2014, 7:02 am by Simon Fodden
S-26, as set out in Order in Council P.C. 2013-1105 dated October 22, 2013 2014 SCC 21 as follows: 1. [read post]