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16 Feb 2016, 1:55 pm
Jay Wexler declared him the Funniest Justice based on the number of times “(laughter)” appeared in the transcripts following something he said during oral argument. [read post]
19 Aug 2008, 9:00 pm
Clyburn, and Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) along with Chicago Mayor Richard Daley. [read post]
11 Dec 2008, 6:45 am
Jay Wexler called his students by their last names when he started professoring, but then his "Doofus Prevention System" kicked in and he's opted for first names. [read post]
21 Feb 2016, 9:01 pm
Out of six Supreme Court terms dating back to 2004, Professor Jay Wexler of Boston University studied the transcripts of Supreme Court oral arguments and showed that Nino’s comments and questions were responsible for about 40 percent of the all laughter (352 out of 919 laughs). [read post]
24 Jun 2019, 3:55 am
” Additional commentary comes from Jay Wexler in an op-ed for Newsweek and from Lisa Soronen for the Council of State Governments’ Knowledge Center blog. [read post]
17 Oct 2021, 8:19 am
Davidoff StevenDavidoff Berkeley Máiréad Enright marieadenright Birmingham (UK) Law & Religion Feminism Citizenship Rosa Freedman GoonerDr Birmingham (UK) Graham Gee GDSGee Birmingham (UK) Steven Vaughan lawvaughan Birmingham (UK) Sarah Lucy Cooper SarahLucyCoope1 Birmingham City (UK) Kent Greenfield Kentgreenfield1 Boston College Hiba Hafiz hibahafiz… [read post]
22 Mar 2012, 7:44 pm
"An Emerging International Law of Migration": IntLawGrrls contributor Lesley Wexler (Illinois) and Jacqueline Bhabha (left) (Harvard). [read post]
15 Aug 2018, 2:59 pm
Hatcher PovertyLawProf Baltimore Will Hubbard ProfHubbard Baltimore Robert Knowles ProfKnowles Baltimore Civil Procedure National Security Law Colin Starger ColinStarger Baltimore Tsilly Dagan TsillyDagan Bar-Ilan Nadia Ahmad gatormob Barry Jeffrey Usman Prawfish Belmont Máiréad Enright marieadenright Birmingham (UK) Law & Religion Feminism… [read post]
23 Jan 2015, 4:44 am
Below the fold is Version 3.0 of the census of law prof Twitter users. [read post]
24 Oct 2022, 5:14 am
Amid the extraordinary political turmoil of the past week, the House of Commons held a little noticed short debate on the subject of “Lawfare and Investigative Journalism“. [read post]
17 Sep 2020, 2:40 pm
Johnson ProfMEJohnson1 Baltimore Clinical Teaching Robert Knowles ProfKnowles Baltimore Civil Procedure National Security Law Colin Starger ColinStarger Baltimore Nadia Ahmad nadiabahmad Barry Property Environmental Law Corporate Law Wes Henricksen Henricksen Barry Torts Health Law Environmental Loren Mulraine LorenMulraine Belmont Entertainment Law Media Law Intellectual property Jeffrey Usman Prawfish Belmont … [read post]
13 Sep 2019, 7:25 am
Johnson ProfMEJohnson1 Baltimore Clinical Teaching Robert Knowles ProfKnowles Baltimore Civil Procedure National Security Law Colin Starger ColinStarger Baltimore Nadia Ahmad nadiabahmad Barry Property Environmental Law Corporate Law Loren Mulraine LorenMulraine Belmont Entertainment Law Media Law Intellectual property Jeffrey Usman Prawfish Belmont Máiréad Enright marieadenright Birmingham (UK) Law & Religion… [read post]