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27 Oct 2012, 10:25 am by Kenneth Anderson
 It partly reflects an increasing anxiety among them about what all that might mean if the situation is no longer what that widely-commented, initial New York Times’s front page story on the kill-list committees seemed to regard as the philosopher-king making these decisions – but a Republican. [read post]
25 Nov 2007, 7:20 am
Johns, MI 48879-2423 Phone: (989) 224-0333 (V/TTY); (800) 274-7426 (Toll Free) E-mail: Web: Michigan Telework Loan Fund C/O U.C.P. [read post]
1 Jan 2025, 2:24 pm
Prominent among them is the Book of Changes--the I Ching, born during the shaman period of Ancient China, and organically embedded in and as Tao and Confucian overlays, serving as philosophy, religion, oracle and Dao (Benebell We, I Ching: The Oracle (North Atlantic Books, 2023)). [read post]
7 Apr 2024, 9:19 am
  I was delighted to have been invited to participate in the Asser Institute: Center for International and European Law & University of Amsterdam Law School-[Spring Academy] Technologies of sustainability due diligence: Digital tools and global value chain regulations which takes place in The Hague,  Netherlands from 8-12 April 2024. [read post]
10 May 2010, 2:59 am
"Healing ourselves is the essence of democratic development. [read post]
31 Jan 2010, 7:16 pm by admin
The following is a summary review of articles from all over the nation concerning environmental law settlements, decisions, regulatory actions and lawsuits filed during the past week. [read post]