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20 Aug 2011, 3:08 pm
The Nordic soul experiences its world as a structure made up of countless thoroughfares — those already at hand and those still to be created — on land, on water, in the air, and in the stratosphere. [read post]
29 Oct 2012, 1:11 pm
Likewise, suppose an eligible receiver loses his helmet but then catches a ball in mid-air, landing on his face. [read post]
27 Jun 2014, 1:45 pm
DHS is allowed to apply expedited removal to two general types of people. 1) Arriving Aliens: If a person seeks admission to the U.S. at a land, sea or air border/port, and they are not a U.S. citizen and do not have a green card, they are generally arriving aliens. 2) Any non-citizen who does not have a green card who has entered the U.S. without admission or parole (illegally) and is caught within 100 miles of an international border and within 14 days of their entry. [read post]
24 Jan 2014, 12:58 pm
In our case, the judge added that "[t]he realistic implications of being on the No Fly List are potentially far-reaching," and can prevent a listed person from traveling by air, sea, or land. [read post]
20 Dec 2023, 3:25 am
The divisive resolution calls for “an end to Israeli apartheid and the occupation and blockade of Palestinian land, sea, and air by Israeli military forces. [read post]
10 Feb 2025, 6:28 am
The term “Council land’’ is defined in the Filming By-Laws as “any land the ownership of which is vested in the Council [of the Municipality of Cape Town] or w [read post]
6 Jun 2021, 12:01 pm
Our air offensive has seriously reduced theirstrength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. [read post]
13 Nov 2020, 11:49 am
Additionally, the four states closed their “land borders, air and sea ports, and airspace to Qataris,” expelling “almost 3000 Qataris from their territories. [read post]
8 Apr 2010, 5:57 am
And plaintiffs' complaint is full of hot air. [read post]
14 Feb 2009, 9:40 am
Amends the Railway Labor Act to clarify that employees of an “express carrier” shall only be covered by the RLA if they are employed in a position that is eligible for certification under FAA’s rules and they are actually performing that type of work for the express carrier. [read post]
16 Dec 2014, 8:39 am
For years the standards imposed by the NFS on requests for such permits have been considerably subjective, which is never a good thing: the First Amendment frowns on governmentally-imposed limitations on freedom of expression and the press, especially when those limitations can be arbitrarily applied. [read post]
20 Apr 2018, 6:04 pm
Buttressing this conclusion, the Court also noted that BAAQMD, an agency with “substantial expertise in air emissions,” was satisfied that the RDEIR’s response on this issue adequately addressed its previously expressed GHG analysis concerns that had led to recirculation. [read post]
11 Jan 2012, 7:30 am
Nitrogen exists naturally in the environment, but human energy and food production have led to increased nitrogen levels in the air, land, and water. [read post]
16 Mar 2016, 11:18 am
Bay Ara Air Quality Management Dist. (2015) 62 Cal.4th 369 and rejected the argument, finding that CEQA’s focus was on the impacts of the project on the environment, not the other way around. [read post]
23 Sep 2010, 7:30 am
Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. [read post]
20 Jun 2023, 9:00 am
He also explained that this has created a strong deterrence effect to illegal activity and has “led to an increase in individuals registering their lands to obtain legal permits for planned land-use activities. [read post]
6 Aug 2012, 2:05 pm
O's famous remark "you didn't build that" is provoking all sorts of expressions of misunderstanding on the interwebs. [read post]
17 Feb 2009, 3:54 am
The marketing takes several different forms, as I noted after the US Airways splash landing, and includes how attorney ethics can be laundered. [read post]
25 Feb 2015, 10:35 am
It’s one thing for the FAA to regulate the height of towers and other structures that might get in the way of aircraft landing and taking off. [read post]
6 Oct 2011, 8:40 am
Take-off and landing are essential and particularly characteristic elements of every flight. [read post]