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2 Jan 2013, 6:46 am by Robin E. Shea
, but Mark Toth of The Employment Blawg hosted the December Employment Law Blog Carnival, featuring a post by me as well as numerous outstanding posts by other bloggers. [read post]
29 Oct 2014, 4:10 am
IP: the "no-patents round-up for non-techie people" -- today's conference organised by CLT and hosted in London's Grange Fitzrovia Hotel -- was opened by James Tumbridge (Pillsbury), speaking on trade mark and trade dress protection. [read post]
1 Jul 2010, 5:46 pm by carie
The decision "reflects its leaders' belief that 'we are healers, not executioners,' board secretary Mark A. [read post]
21 Nov 2007, 1:02 pm
If that's the case, what should we make out of this sing-a-long song by Mark Toth, Chief Legal Officer of Manpower? [read post]
28 Mar 2008, 12:30 am
Mark Toth over the Manpower Employment Blawg, however, has the post of the week. [read post]
3 Apr 2009, 12:29 am
Mark Toth at the Manpower Employment Blawg reports on the illegality of a policy that prohibits employees from working overtime while on light duty. [read post]
4 May 2010, 6:19 am by Jon Hyman
Here’s the details, from Steven Greenhouse in last Thursday’s New York Times (with a tip of the hat to Mark Toth’s Manpower Employment Blawg and Philip Miles’s Lawffice Space): In a move that will affect most American corporations, the Labor Department plans to require companies to prepare and adopt compliance plans aimed at ensuring they do not violate wage, job safety and equal employment laws. [read post]
4 Dec 2009, 6:24 am by Jon Hyman
Office Holiday Parties Top 5 Holiday Party Tips, crafted by Mark Toth's Manpower Employment Blawg. 20 Tips for Your Workplace Holiday Non-Party, from U.S. [read post]
25 Sep 2009, 1:50 am
Mark Toth's Manpower Employment Blawg reports on possible changes to federal labor laws under Obama's NLRB. [read post]
1 Sep 2008, 11:57 am
Have a great day, Mark Share This [read post]
20 Jan 2009, 10:05 pm
  The first person who sends an email to our official Blawg e-mail box — — stating as follows will win a valuable prize: Dear Mark: I feel compelled to write to tell you that your Blawg has changed my life. [read post]